
Monday, October 10, 2011

Maize 'n' Brew: Updates No More

Melyssa Grace

I have decided to discontinue my contributions to Maize 'n' Brew.  It's not because they did anything wrong, but because I have only so much time in a week and I would rather not have to feel obligated to make a post every week when I have so much else going on in my life.  I wish the guys at MnB well as they go forward and I would like to thank them for letting me write for their site for the past several months.

I also did not have time this weekend to write an "awards" post, but I hope to get that posted soon.

In other news, I will try to find a way to keep posting occasional pictures of attractive women because . . . well . . . I like them.


  1. Seemed like lately you were the only one making consistent updates on that site. Had to be frustrating.

  2. @ Anonymous 10:17 a.m.

    Yeah, that was part of it. Maize 'n' Brew Dave has a bunch of stuff going on in his life and he's really busy, so I don't blame him. It's just one of those things.

  3. Thunder,

    I'd like to continue to hear some of your thoughts about recruiting. Seems like interesting observations are often buried in mgoblog comment sections. Would be cool if every once in a while you put your thoughts together into a recruiting post that touched on key issues and points of debate among M fans and recruitniks. Maybe not during the season when seemingly everyone is more busy. Just a thought...

  4. @ Lankownia 3:11 p.m.

    I'll probably still make a weekly recruiting post. I'll just post it here rather than at Maize 'n' Brew.
