
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2013 TTB Ratings coming soon!

I've been receiving a lot of questions about the TTB Ratings for the class of 2013.  They should be posted either Thursday or Friday, depending on how much time I have this afternoon.  It's been a busy week and I haven't had much time to write lately.  I'm glad people are excited to see them, so I'll get them up as soon as they're completed.


  1. Looking forward to them.

    On a somewhat related note. Any chance you can consolidate (either within the Offer Board or elswhere) the ratings? For instance I was trying to look back at a 2012's rating and had to dig back to find it. Would be great if it was consolidated.

    1. The ratings are on the 2012 Offer Board, listed next to each commit's name.

    2. Didn't you revise them at one point? I'm not positive but want to say the ones on the Offer Board are the original rankings...

  2. Why does Kaleb Ringer have two different TTB ratings? In his Kaleb Ringer, Wolverine post, he's a 64. In the 2012 offer board, he's a 39.

    1. The 2012 Offer Board is the more recent one. The rating in his commitment post is his original rating. If I went back and changed all those commitment posts each time I updated the rankings, I'd have to change 25 pages individually, which would be a pain in the ass.
