
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MLive: Hoke continues to guard against senior entitlement

Michigan's rising seniors won't be training with the Navy SEALs in California this summer. And this is a . . . punishment? SEALs training sounds hard. I would just want to stay in Ann Arbor and eat some Panchero's.

Hit the jump for the ladies.


  1. I just don't like tattoo's on women. Sorry

  2. I'm happy to read of this change. I think the emphasis on "senior leadership" was overdone. Positive leadership does not come with years under the belt, but by many other things. I'd rather the team form around the true leaders, regardless of class. Overall, I read this change as a good sign.

  3. This is a smart move and shows that Hoke is well aware that things must change - AND FAST. With so many late leads blown and the inability to make that MUST HAVE play, the common theme was that this is a young team making youthful mistakes. Keep the team as one unit and don't single out anyone. Leaders emerge in practice and by example. The team was far too talented last year to have the year they did. They must rally together.
