
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gator Bowl Preview (not really): Michigan vs. Mississippi State

Mississippi State cheerleaders

I'm not going to fake it - the holidays have been so busy that I haven't had time to watch video and develop any kind of strong feel about today's game.

I'm just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy a New Year's Day of excellent football games.  I have a strong feeling that today will be Michigan's final game playing for Rich Rodriguez, so I'm going to be rooting hard for him to go out on a winning note.  We'll also be saying goodbye to seniors Perry Dorrestein, Steve Schilling, Martell Webb, John Ferrara, Greg Banks, Renaldo Sagesse, Adam Patterson, Jonas Mouton, Obi Ezeh, Mark Moundros, and James Rogers.

Go Blue!

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