
Monday, January 9, 2012

Rivals: Army Bowl Top Performers

After Saturday's U.S. Army All-American Bowl, Rivals posted a breakdown of the top performers from the West Team (including Ondre Pipkins) and the East Team (including Kyle Kalis).  Then national recruiting analyst Mike Farrell gives out some awards from the week.

Pipkins is mentioned repeatedly in Farrell's awards piece, and the gist is good.  He doesn't have great things to say about Erik Magnuson, which I think is funny because Magnuson was playing a new position, started at left guard, and played the entire game (at least from what I remember).  Additionally, I thought he held up pretty well, although his performance certainly wasn't perfect.  Offensive line is typically the roughest position in all-star games because these kids don't have a lot of times to work on protections, communication, and combo blocks, so I take offensive line performance with a grain of salt.  In other words . . . poo on Farrell.

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