
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ask a Question: Ben Braden

Ben Braden is a large man.
It's only been eleven months since Ben Braden became the first verbal commitment of the 2012 class, but a lot has happened since then. For one, Michigan gained an additional 35 commitments. For another, Ben grew an inch or two and added about 40 pounds of mostly muscle, putting him at 6'7'' 325 pounds as of November 1. I'll be talking with Ben this Sunday, so feel free to leave a question for him in the "comments" section if you have any Ben Braden related catching up to do.


  1. Putting on 40lbs is ridiculous. I'd just be curious as to what he did to add that on (reference Van Bergen's eating habits in the off season. Did it mimic a 5000 calorie diet?) Do the coaches want him that big?

    What is he focusing on for improvement before the fall starts up?

    Player he is most looking forward to seeing on the field aside from himself?

  2. what have you been doing your senior year to prepare? do you think you will play next year?

  3. 40 pounds of muscle in like a year?! Ask him what his secret is. If I'm lucky I'll add about 7lbs this year (admittedly at 35, I don't have the testosterone levels of an 18 year old anymore).

  4. Jeebus. 6-7 325 stepping on campus.

  5. Do you feel any added pressure of being the first offical recruit of the Brady Hoke era?

    What position do you want to play? Has anyone informed you of what position you will begin at??

    Biggest difference between Rockford and Ann Arbor?

  6. Moose, Elk, Angus... how many are you eating a week?

  7. Do you feel like you have something to prove being from the west side of the state?

  8. Did any teams continue to recruit you after your commitment?

  9. Do you sometimes break furniture and accidently pull doors off their hinges?

  10. I have to admit I like the break furniture question... My question is what other goals has he set for his time at UM.

  11. do you feel like Rockford's conference gets little respect compared to the state's east side teams?

  12. Do you feel that with Coach Munger having such close ties with the University of Michigan and having been a long time instructor at their camp that the transition to the college game will be a bit smoother for you? Do you wish in hindsight that you had attended more camps to increase your stars? Having watched your highlight tapes and seeing your athleticism for someone of your size, it is astonishing to me that you are a three star universally. I also noticed on the Touch the Banner site that all of the other O line signees are rated significantly higher than you. Do you care or does it just give you the impetus to prove yourself?
