
Friday, February 24, 2012

ESPN: Youtube sensation Cody Paul grows up

Dannie Riel
This article is from last month's ESPN: The Magazine, but I just got around to reading the issue and found it relevant to the site.  Many of you have seen Cody Paul's highlight video on Youtube, where a little white kid makes everyone look like they're standing still while he runs for touchdown after touchdown.  Well . . . he finished his senior season, and all the big schools ignored him during the 2012 recruiting cycle.  The video you've all seen is below, but here are his junior and senior season highlights, too.


  1. Barryesque!

    This kid ended up nowhere? Not even D3?

    1. Not that I know of, although there's still time.

    2. I think that's a shame.

      Even though he's little he's awful tough to tag.

  2. Clearly I have way too much time on my hands as I went out looking.

    Paul signed with D2 Chadron State College in Nebraska, former home of Danny Woodhead my second favorite Pat, and former Buffalo Bill/Green Bay Packer and current speed training entrepreneur, Don Beebe.

    I hope the kid runs for thousands.
