
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Steve Watson sets a record for positions played

Amber Houser
I never realized that Steve Watson set a record at Michigan (and I'm not sure how "official" the record is), but jeez, this guy bounced around a lot.  His 4.6 forty really surprised me at Michigan's pro day.


  1. From the article:

    "Coach Magee told me at the time, basically, that I had no chance of playing at Michigan at all, and that I basically sucked," Watson said. "He said, 'You can transfer, if you want to. I don’t think you’re ever going to play here.'"

    Um, ouch.

    1. I'm not calling Watson a liar, and obviously I wasn't in the room for the conversation. However, I think we should take this "quote" from Magee with a grain of salt. Let's keep in mind that some of these kids weren't extremely fond of the coaching staff, and Watson *might* be one of them. He could very easily have paraphrased Magee's comments in the most negative light. Magee could have said something like:

      "Look, Steve. You're a good guy and a hard worker. I like having you around. But you're going to have a hard time getting on the field with Koger, Webb, and Moore around. And frankly we don't use the tight end a whole lot. If you want more playing time, you might want to transfer somewhere else so you can get on the field."

      ...and that might have turned into what Watson told above.

      Again, I'm not saying that's what DID happen or questioning Watson's character, but considering Watson barely saw the field under Rodriguez and was suddenly utilized with some frequency under Hoke, he probably has reason to view Rodriguez/Magee in a negative light.

    2. I agree Thunder. Watson's depiction isn't probably 100% accurate. The Rodriguez regime constantly struggled to field a full roster of scholarship players, so it seems unlikely they would have pushed Watson out. Watson could easily have taken some more benign criticisms very personally.

      He does seem like a kid who would have been a much better fit for the new staff. Too bad he didn't go on a mission or something in 09 and 10.
