
Monday, June 18, 2012

Video: Brady Hoke's speech to campers at Sound Mind Sound Body


  1. Well I'm officially fired up to sign my letter of intent and go play for Brady Hoke and Michigan. Just seeing him pace back and forth and hear the intensity in his voice you can feel his love for his job. I love the direction he's leading this program in. His leadership skills are so damn impressive and you can see the importance he feels it's had in his life and how important he feels it is for the kids success in football and life. I feel this was something we were lacking in our years with Rich. I don't know if it was the lack of upperclassmen or his lack of stressing it or both, but I have a feeling it won't be a problem any longer. Now I don't know what urbs said, and I have respect for OSU and MSU, but how can you not want to be apart of what Hoke's building.
