
Monday, July 9, 2012

Video: Interview with Shane Morris

I don't know who the interviewer is, but whoever it is . . . he sucks.  I think it was Barton Simmons from 247 Sports, but I'm not sure.  Morris looks and sounds jet lagged.


  1. 1000 yard stare and starting to sound like Rocky - I would say the 3 hours has caught up to him.

  2. Thats positive jet gain 3 hours of sleep....hes just tired from the arduous schedule of competition

  3. Not to argue jet lag, but... it don't matter. I've flown 12 time zones in each direction alot and both screw you up whether it's in the a.m. or p.m. Agree the schedule and excitement is a big part too. Still think he has kind of an Elvis/Rocky aspect to his voice. Should grow some mutton chops.
