
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MGoBlog: Media Day Roundtable - Jordan Kovacs

Leslie Kay Nelson
Ace from MGoBlog  posts a fun roundtable discussion with Jordan Kovacs from Big Ten Media Days.


  1. Ace is beyond awful. I can't believe Brian keeps him on board, he contributes nothing valuable to the site

    1. I don't know what's so awful about Ace. He's no less effective at his job than Tim Sullivan was. TomVH had better inside information, and I think readers got spoiled. But at least Ace isn't a jerk like some other people in the Michigan blogosphere/football reporting area.

    2. Brian could do better, but Ace is young and enthusiastic and should improve. Brian needs someone to keep his spirits and energy up, until he inevitably pursues other interests at some point. Not everyone is going to be willing to put in the time and effort it takes for UFRs.

      Also, Ace is a definite upgrade to Tim Sullivan, who seemed (and still seems), like a pompous jerk - no wonder the dips over at Rivals hired him. Tim never provided any insight but he sure acted like he knew it all.

      Now that I'm done talking about MGoBlog...

      Keep up the great work Thunder! I enjoy reading, even when I disagree with you.

    3. Thanks, Lanko. I enjoy reading your comments...except when you disagree with me.

  2. He's not a jerk, but what does he add? The weekly recruiting updates where he picks information from all the information out their? He adds nothing unique, just regurgitated information.

    You add a unique perspective and are not afraid to go against the grain, I certainly appreciate that.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks for the compliments.

      Ace does some additional work besides the recruiting updates. He does some more recruiting-related stuff during the high school season (when he goes out to see Michigan recruits play on Friday nights/Saturdays), writes some opinion pieces here and there, and interviews some recruits.

      I think Brian is the reason people go to that site, but Brian can't do all the opinion/mailbag stuff without other guys (Heiko, Seth, Ace, etc.) taking care of some of the more mundane things.

  3. I get what you're saying, but I'm sorry it's not up to par. Hardly any interviews, no real breakdown based on his views, the list goes on. I guess I'm spoiled by what Tom provided, Yourself, even Tremendous who came out of no where and has built great relationships with kids. I guess it stems back to the whining he did when he first started saying it would take him time to build the relationships, well it's been over a year and still nothing. Heck, I'm reminded of his incessant whining when someone made a fake twitter account of him. He spent more time crying about that then actually contributing to his job.maybe I need to step away and view what he does controlibute instead of what I feel he should be doing.

    Just keep up the good work, a lot us appreciate your insight and value your opinions.

    Go BLUE
