
Monday, November 26, 2012

Michigan Daily: Life after football

Amanda Latona
Michigan Daily  writer Ben Estes writes about how football players cope after their playing days end.


  1. That was a sad read...

    Everyone remembers the star players, but there's so many guys who give every second of their time to this school and have nothing at the end of it...

  2. This story happens to kids all across the University, across every school and every major within the University as well as every other university in the land. The only thing different here is that Chris Floyd, Marcus Ray and others like them got a taste of the big time that the rest of the student body only gets to look at through the window.

    He gets a nice piece in the Michigan Daily to tell the world about his issue that none of the rest ever get only because he was a member of the 97 national championship team. He needs to shut his mouth and get his ass back to the Defense Department.

    Marcus Ray needs to get his ass back in the weight room.
