
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Scholarship Count for 2012

Players are listed in order of remaining eligibility.  With 73 scholarships allotted and 13 seniors scheduled to graduate, Michigan's recruiting class of 2013 should be around 25.


- Jerald Robinson left the program

- Stephen Hopkins left the program

- Ricardo Miller left the program

- Tamani Carter left the program

- Terrence Talbott left the program

- Chris Rock left the program

- Ricardo Miller moved from TE to WR

- Michael Cox, Rocko Khoury, George Morales, and Terrence Robinson will not return for their fifth year senior season

- Isaiah Bell left the program

- Brennen Beyer moved from LB to DE

- Jordan Paskorz moved from LB to TE

- Jibreel Black moved from DE to DT

- Chris Eddins moved from DE to TE

- Added class of 2012 signees

- Wide receiver Darryl Stonum has been dismissed from the team

REDSHIRT SENIORS = 8 (Final season 2012)
WR Roy Roundtree
TE Brandon Moore
C Ricky Barnum
OG Elliott Mealer
OG Patrick Omameh
LB Kenny Demens
CB J.T. Floyd
S Jordan Kovacs

QB Jack Kennedy
QB Steve Wilson
WR Jordan Barpal
TE Mike Kwiatkowski
DT Alex Schwab
LB Paul Gyarmati
S Matt Cavanaugh
S Floyd Simmon

SENIORS = 5 (Final season 2012)
QB Denard Robinson
RB Vincent Smith
DE Craig Roh
DT William Campbell
LB Brandin Hawthorne

REDSHIRT JUNIORS = 9 (Final season 2013)
RB Fitzgerald Toussaint
WR Jeremy Gallon
OT Taylor Lewan
OT Michael Schofield
DT Quinton Washington
LB Cameron Gordon
LB Mike Jones
S Thomas Gordon
K Brendan Gibbons

RB O'Neil Swanson
WR Jordan Owens
WR Joe Reynolds
OL Erik Gunderson
DT Nathan Brink
CB Al Backey
S Charlie Zeller
LS Jareth Glanda
LS Kurt Graman
K Seth Broekhuizen
K Kris Pauloski

JUNIORS = 7 (Final season 2013)
QB Devin Gardner
WR Jeremy Jackson
WR Drew Dileo
DT Jibreel Black
CB Courtney Avery
S Marvin Robinson
P Will Hagerup

REDSHIRT SOPHOMORES = 5 (Final season 2014) 
TE Jordan Paskorz
DT Richard Ash
DT Ken Wilkins
LB Jake Ryan
S Josh Furman

RB Jihad Rasheed
TE Nate Allspach
TE Chris Eddins
TE Dylan Esterline
OL Joey Burzynski
OL Kristian Mateus
K Jeremy Ross

SOPHOMORES = 8 (Final season 2014)
RB Thomas Rawls
DE Brennen Beyer
DE Frank Clark
LB Desmond Morgan
CB Blake Countess
CB Delonte Hollowell
CB Raymon Taylor
K Matt Wile

REDSHIRT FRESHMEN = 6 (Final season 2015)
QB Russell Bellomy
RB Justice Hayes
OG Chris Bryant
C Jack Miller
DE Keith Heitzman
LB Antonio Poole

QB Ben Fry
QB Alex Swieca
FB Joe Kerridge
WR Jonathan Keizer
OL Graham Glasgow
K Christopher Smith

FRESHMEN = 25 (Final season 2015)
RB Drake Johnson
RB Dennis Norfleet
FB Sione Houma
OL Blake Bars
OL Ben Braden
OL Kyle Kalis
OL Erik Magnuson
WR Jehu Chesson
WR Amara Darboh
TE Devin Funchess
TE A.J. Williams
DE Matt Godin
DT Willie Henry
DE Mario Ojemudia
DE Tom Strobel
DE Chris Wormley
DT Ondre Pipkins
LB Joe Bolden
LB Royce Jenkins-Stone
LB Kaleb Ringer
LB James Ross
CB Terry Richardson
S Jeremy Clark
S Allen Gant
S Jarrod Wilson


  1. Tamani Carter is on both the "SOPHOMORES = 9 (Final season 2014)" list and the "REDSHIRT FRESHMEN = 8 (Final season 2015)."

  2. @ Anonymous 8:06 a.m.

    Fixed it. Thanks.

  3. Position wise, how do you see those scholarships breaking down for 2013? I think we definitely need OL, RB, TE and CB to name a few...

  4. @ Anonymous 8:19 a.m.

    I'll put up another post in the next few days about scholarship breakdowns, but I think Michigan is back to the point where they can take a steady stream of players at most positions and be fine. There are no glaring needs for huge numbers at any one position group (except offensive line, but you should always be taking 3-4 guys). And we need at least one stud DT, in my opinion, but not necessarily a bunch of DT's.

  5. Other than Cox, do you see any 5th year seniors not being asked to come back?

  6. Anybody else think Heitzman, an alleged "run after the catch" guy, is going to get a chance at tight end?

    Especially if we miss on Grant?

  7. @ Roanman 9:20 a.m.

    Heitzman has earned praise from Mattison and might be competing with Brink to be the backup SDE next season. I doubt he'll play there next year. If we need another TE, I think it will come from another position or from a walk-on (Mike Kwiatkowski, perhaps).

  8. Someone posted a rumor on another board that Paskorz will get a look at TE this spring. Not sure how reliable it is. If he does not, I assume that means the coaches have written him off because there is no way he sees the light of day on defense at this point.

  9. Brink's a good candidate to be given a scholarship. Lewan may be an early NFL entry candidates.

  10. Glanda was put down twice. Once as an OL and once as a LS.

  11. so the numbers are 16 seniors and and redshirt seniors. how many of the redshirt juniors do you see not getting a 5th year? and what do you think our total class size will be for 2013? I come up with around 22-23.

    1. I have no idea what the class size will be. I'm sure there will be attrition, but it's just a random guess at this point. Your guess of 22-23 is as good of a guess as anyone's.

  12. Did Terrence Talbott actuallly play this past year? If not then he will be a red shirt sophomore.

  13. Paskorz to TE and Black to DT: are these confirmed moves or just educated speculation? The official roster on still has them at their old positions. IMHO Black would have to put on 25 lbs. of good weight to be useful at the 3 tech; maybe a bit less to move with Roh to SDE, but I like him at WDE with Beyer.

    1. I don't like Black at WDE. These moves were reported by The Wolverine.

  14. Thunder, please give us "your" opinion regarding the proposed moves of Black to DT, and Paskorze to TE; what are the strengths and weaknesses of the moves, and do you think they help or just a shuffle. Thanks.

    1. I'll have a post up today or tomorrow with my thoughts about the moves.

  15. Any speculation on what redshirt juniors who won't be renewed for their 5th years for 2013? At this point I want to say Isaiah Bell surely won't be asked back and depending on the development of other guys neither will Mike Jones.

    1. Anybody who doesn't play much would be a candidate not to get a fifth year. Bell and Jones seem like the most apparent candidates. Quinton Washington hasn't played a ton, but with the lack of depth at the NT/DT spots, I think he gets a fifth year if he wants one.

  16. You didn't include any of the freshmen walk-ons we have on the team.

    1. I won't add them until they enroll or are added to the roster in the fall. Since this is a post to count scholarships, the walk-ons are somewhat irrelevant.

  17. In the first paragraph you said there are 82 allotted scholarships, but on the next line down you say theres 83 allotted scholarships. Which one is it!? Love the blog, keep up the good work.

  18. Talbott played on special teams early in the 2011 season, then suffered a leg injury.

    1. True. I don't remember seeing him, but that's what his bio says. It looks like he'll be a junior this fall for sure.

  19. so 83 - [2 (Bell and Stonum)+ 16 (RS Srs. and Srs.) = 20 spots?

  20. so 20 spots open right now (2 stonum/bell + 16 (departing srs) = 18 +2 under cap = 20?

    1. Nope. Stonum was a RS senior, anyway, so being booted off the team doesn't really make a difference. Michigan has 16 graduating seniors, plus 3 unused spots. So the current number is 19.

    2. 19 now. I expect that number to climb to ~23 by the time next February rolls around.

    3. I'd love some elaboration on how MGoBlog lists 22 to 24 and you've got 19. Where's the extra 3-5 coming from? With 15 verbals already, 19 leaves 4 slots open, but everywhere I read commentators suggesting we'll still take

      1RB, 1-2WRs, 1-2LBs,0-1TE,1DT,1DE,0-1S,1CB

      That's already 6 guys on the low-end, and 10 on the high end. As I actually am a mathematician, I've gotta say these numbers don't add up!

      What gives?

    4. MGoBlog is projecting that Michigan will lose a few more guys to attrition/transfer/injury/the NFL Draft before next signing day. History suggests that there will be more attrition, but as of now, the numbers in the post above are accurate.

  21. With the big class coming in, it will be nice next year to look at a list of 15 or so redshirt freshmen going forward instead of the 8 that's been typical around here for too long.

    As Iowa and Wisconsin have demonstrated for years, fifth year seniors that can play are a powerful advantage.

  22. We lost Khoury?! Our OL has so much depth right now, I love it. We have 5 upperclassmen linemen, then 2 RS freshmen, and 4 true freshmen. Awesome.

  23. So you show Devin Gardner as Junior. In regards to a possible injury redshirt, the new process is that he can only apply in his senior year? So there is a possibility he is a redshirt sophomore currently? Am I correct?

  24. Why would they move Ricardo Miller to WR?


    Ricardo Miller is recruited to UM as a WR.

    Ricardo Miller doesn't see playing time at WR, he's too slow.

    Ricardo Miller is moved to TE, he needs to start bulking up.

    Ricardo Miller puts some weight on his already slow body.

    After bulking up, Ricardo Miller is moved back to WR.

    I understand our talent at WR is less than stellar right now, but at the same time our depth and talent at TE is not great. Is it that he is just such a horrible blocker he'll just be a liability at TE when called up for blocking purposes, so he must be moved back to WR by default?

    At TE there's Paskorz and Moore. I think Moore will be fine, having been in this college program for so long, but then there's nobody after him besides a couple freshmen coming in, and of course, Paskorz.

    We have no idea how Darboh and Chesson will perform, but if the spring game was any indication of how we'll perform next year, I think they will be heavily relied upon. When you blindly rely on freshmen, that's a problem.

    I just hope Hoke can pull some more magic out of his ass for this upcoming season, because our team is not where it should be either number-wise, or talent wise: OL, DL, TE, and WR.

  25. Am i going crazy, you posted this today July 30th but the replies are dated as far back as January and the "newest" one is from April.......why?

    1. It was originally posted a while ago, but I bump it up whenever there's a change to be made. In this case, Terrence Talbott left so it's now updated.

  26. So as of this instant, we're full, unless somebody doesn't get that fifth year ... Mike Jones? Or somebody looks at the depth chart and sees no room on the field ..... Ken Wilkins ..... Delonte Hollowell? If I'm those two guys, I'm at least hanging in there through the spring.

    Taylor Lewan? People seem to think he's ready. I was surprised when Jake Long stayed, I'll be surprised if Taylor Lewan leaves.

    1. Pretty hard to imagine Mike Jones wanting to return or the staff asking him to come back and I'd say Cam Gordon is 50/50. I'm pretty sure that Lewan will go pro (no insider info, just gut feeling) and there will likely be 1 or 2 other guys who will one specific in mind, it just happens every year.

      UM should have enough room to sign 25-27 for 2013. The only concern is: will they be able to get anyone really worth signing to a scholarship? I don't think UM will get any of the "Big 3" they are gunning for in Treadwell, Green and McQuay. I also don't think that they will get a comparable replacement for Dawson.

      For whatever reason, the staff seems to get out of the gates really well in recruiting but struggles to finish well at the end. This is still a Top 10 class even if UM doesn't get another recruit in the 2013 class, so I am not complaining too much.

  27. When did Stephen Hopkins leave the program? I haven't seen this anywhere.

  28. Magnus couldn't you like put an astersik or something next to Devin Gardner's name?

  29. So i had a question on this scholarship count, earlier this year Kwiatkowski was given a scholarship by Hoke. so does that count toward the scholarship count because i notice he's not highlighted/counted in the 13 of graduating seniors? just curious about how that works into the total number

    1. All scholarships are on a year-to-year basis, but a guy like Kwiatkowski (or any walk-on who earns a scholarship) would be even more prone to "losing" his scholarship. Schools MUST use all 85 scholarships each year, so if there are only 79 recruited players on a squad, then 6 walk-ons are guaranteed to get scholarships; which 6 those are depends on the coaches.

      Of course, Kwiatkowski is a senior, so he's done after this year anyway. But if he were a junior, I would imagine the coaches would put him #1 or #2 on the list of walk-ons to be awarded a scholarship if one were made available.

  30. Thunder, do you foresee any other transfers? If so, who?

    1. There's at least one defensive player I've heard somewhat credible rumors about transferring, and another whose career might be over due to injury. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple other guys disappeared based on how little they've played and/or some personal troubles, but I haven't really heard anything more than speculation on those.

    2. Are they both LBs?

    3. Is the defensive player a significant contributor? Or more of a role player? Is the injured player ringer with his knee injuries? If you can't be specific yet or don't want to, no worries.

  31. Most transfers are not guys next in line for a starting position. Guys like ash or wilkins would be possibilities or even Marvin Robinson and furman who may be passed by Wilson.
