
Sunday, December 16, 2012

USA Today: College Football Coaches in High School

Sarah Sampaio
This is pretty superficial, but you can see pictures, interesting haircuts, and short shorts on several of college football's coaches from when they were in high school.


  1. First of all Lane Kiffin is wearing a Michigan sweatshirt in that photo. Second, I really wish I hadn't seen Lane Kiffin wearing a Michigan sweatshirt in that photo. Third, Hoke looks like he would've been fun to party with in college.

  2. Looks like Lane didn't know who he was supposed to show his allegiance to back then either. He probably had OSU sweats and Wisconsin undies on.

  3. Is anyone else surprised that Bill Snyder's helmet was not made out of leather?

  4. The hell with football, Sarah Sampaio's booty is spectacular!
