
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sports Illustrated: Ten best, five worst coaches in college football

Stewart Mandel from Sports Illustrated  lists the top ten and bottom five coaches in college football. Michigan's Brady Hoke earns honorable mention on one of those lists. I'll let you guess which one.

There's a tight dress after the jump.


  1. The excellent article can be found by following the link in the Saban section of Mandel's piece called The Sabanization of College Football.

    Saban's criteria for a cornerback recruit is spelled out and causes you to be pretty sure he wasn't interested in any of our Cass Tech runts.

    As an aside the photo in Mandel's piece is my all time favorite Saban shot with him standing there like some prissy aging choreographer with that pained Jack Benny look on his face.

  2. Good article, except for the reference to Urban's charisma in the Kevin Sumlin section. Meyer is obviously a winner, but it has absolutely nothing to do with charisma. Meyer is in Bellicheck and Saban territory when it comes to charisma.
