
Thursday, August 1, 2013

I'm on vacation

Yours truly is chillin' on the beaches of exotic lands. I tried to get ahead on a few posts to go up while I was gone, but I ran out of time due to some unforeseen circumstances. I'll have to double up on some countdown posts when I return and do commitment posts for George Campbell and Damien Harris, but I'm sure you will survive without me in the meantime. Now I'm going to go swim, play some beach volleyball, and do some reading for my next What I've Been Reading post. Have a great Thursday!


  1. Have fun you deserve it. We all can wait. I will admit that I have checked your page a number of times to see if you have put up a new post. With that being said enjoy the rest of your vacation. The grindstone will be ready for you when you get back.

    Will from South Bend

  2. Have a great vacation!! Your work on this site alone shows you earned it :) Rest well and keep up the good work.

  3. No worries! Enjoy your vacation. Looking forward to your posts once you get back!

  4. Have fun and enjoy yourself Thunder, didn't mean to bother you.

  5. Had no idea the Lake St. Clair Metropark was in an exotic land

    1. It's Lake ERIE Metropark, thanks very much...

  6. Don't forget your camera for all the lovely "views"...

  7. Longest Tuesday ever! Without the Countdown I don't know how to mark the late summer days.

  8. Should we buckle up?

    1. I don't know. Good things do come in threes...

  9. I figured you were on vacation...with no campbell/harris posts. Really love this site and appreciate all the info and insight....enjoy a great vacation. GO BLUE!

  10. If you can stomach The Hunger Games and Catching Fire, it is worth it to read Mockingjay. Just decided to check them out from the Library a while ago because I had not read anything for ages. The first two are young-adultish meh melodrama, Mockingjay is a hard hitting peice of anti-war literature. I was truly shocked as to how good it was after barely tolerating the first two.

    1. I read all three last year. I liked the first one, though. Thanks for the suggestions.

    2. Thanks for all the kind words. The vacation has been great so far!
