
Monday, September 2, 2013

USA Today college football countdown: #3 Ohio State

Paul Myerberg looks at the hated Ohio State Buckeyes, his third-best team for the upcoming season.

Hit the jump for some Ohio State girls.


  1. I would like them better without the crappy attire....what a way to ruin two beautiful faces!

    1. Yea, they could take those jerseys off at my place anytime.

  2. Really? you wouldn't "approve" the comment about the girls getting bent over by a guy in the #10 jersey? Wheres the freedom of speech? the comment wasn't raunchy or derogatory.. I was only stating a fact that most of your readers would have appreciated. Losing my love for Touch the Banner as i soak in this moment. Why dont you check out the hundred plus comments regularly gets on every post. I think ur nazi censorship over the comments is whats holding this site back from garnering the traffic this web site should be getting and deserves. Your posts are well written and generally worth while to read. Granted you wont be able to please eeveryone but your on the verge of losing one daily reader. I look forward to some type of reply on this page before i delete this bookmark. Good day!

    1. There is no freedom of speech on someone else's blog. MGoBlog deletes a bunch of comments, too. So does Rivals, 247, etc. If you're not going to read my blog because you can't post raunchy comments at will, then so be it.
