
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Michigan Daily: Though unpaid, top players worth millions to University

Zach Helfand from The Michigan Daily  explores how much a player like Devin Gardner can be worth to the University, and the numbers are pretty staggering.

Hit the jump to be hypnotized by Jessica Green.

Jessica Green


  1. Agree with the article. The players are really taken advantage of.

    1. I disagree, no one is forcing them to play football. It's an opportunity.

  2. Hey thunder, theres been several stories coming out of espn that Mac Brown IS stepping down.. i speculate opening the door for Satan himself- wait i mean Saban either way if yyou have time you should do a post on current and future prospects with Michigan ties at Texas and Bama. I want D.Hand back

    1. I'll post about Texas and/or Alabama if/when those jobs become available, but I don't want to get too far ahead with speculation. Obviously, you know that Hand might be a possibility, and that's probably the most interesting development on the table for Michigan.

    2. I very much doubt that Hand will de-commit from Bama even IF Saban were to leave. I genuinely believe that he wants to major in engineering in college and he will have that opportunity (or at least he has been TOLD he will have that opportunity) at Bama but he will not have that option at UM.

      In other words: move on, Hand ain't coming to UM.

  3. The Universities are also worth millions to the players. Compare what a high NFL draft pick (of the type the article focuses on) such as Manziel will sign for with a pro team, and what he would have signed for if he'd tried to go to the NFL right out of high school, without the coaching, conditioning, game experience and exposure that his college program gave him. That's what college will be worth to him, and it's in the tens of millions right off the bat. Much more if he has any kind of a successful career. That's the other side of this, which the article rather conspicuously fails to mention.

  4. She is hypnotizing, but I am also drawn to the gigantic caterpillar on her forehead. Oh wait...that's her eyebrow. Hmm...might be time for some "maintenance"!

    Course that got me wondering about OTHER grooming habits. ;P
