
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Scouting Report: Malik McDowell

Southfield (MI) Southfield defensive linemen Lawrence Marshall and Malik McDowell, left to right
Name: Malik McDowell
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 285 lbs.
High school: Southfield (MI) Southfield
Position: Defensive end
Class: 2014

Notes: Holds offers from Alabama, Florida, Florida State, Indiana, LSU, Michigan, Michigan State, Mississippi State, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Oregon, Penn State, Stanford, Syracuse, USC, and Wisconsin . . . ESPN 4-star, 84 grade, #4 DT, #68 overall . . . Rivals 4-star, #4 SDE, #33 overall . . . Scout 4-star, #7 DE . . . 247 Sports 4-star, 97 grade, #3 SDE, #42 overall . . . Will play in U.S. Army All-American Bowl . . . As a senior in 2013, had 89 tackles, 7 sacks, and 3 forced fumbles . . . Transferred from Detroit (MI) Loyola prior to senior season . . . Teammates with 2014 Michigan DE commit Lawrence Marshall

Strengths: Very quick first step for a big man . . . Long body and fairly lean despite being 285 lbs. . . . Good wingspan . . . Can lock out offensive linemen . . . Good top-end speed . . . Quick enough to play on edge and keep mildly athletic quarterbacks in pocket . . . Violent hitter . . . Ferocious tackler who fights to bring down ball carriers . . . Does a good job of rolling hips through contact . . . Makes more hustle plays than many big men

Weaknesses: Lacks consistent technique . . . Stands up too high at times, letting blockers into his chest . . . Tends to play patty cake at times . . . Sometimes gets caught up in the trash . . . Needs to use his hands better to shed blockers

Projection: Defensive tackle. McDowell is long and lean now, but I think his body will develop into a defensive tackle's at a little over 300 lbs. I don't see him as a 350 lb., space-eating defensive tackle, but a quicker, 3-tech type of player. He might play end early in his career but will probably grow out of that role. From what little I saw of McDowell at Loyola before his senior season, I really thought I was going to be underwhelmed by McDowell's senior highlights. At Loyola he didn't show much of a motor and stood up way too high on a consistent basis. However, those highlights weren't very extensive, and he seems to have improved significantly in the last year. It's rare that 6'7" defensive tackles even exist in the world, but there are the rare cases like the 6'6" Ra'Shede Hageman from Minnesota.

Reminds me of: Kris Jenkins

Likelihood of committing to Michigan: The majority of recruiting gurus peg McDowell for Michigan, but things have grown murkier as time has gone along. Michigan was the early favorite, and now it seems places like Michigan State, Florida, Alabama, Florida State, and USC might be creeping up. Michigan fans have grown pessimistic in recent years because of several recruits stringing Michigan along throughout the process (LaQuon Treadwell, Jordan Diamond, etc.), but the Wolverines are still the favorite.

Highlights: Highlights can be found on Hudl.


  1. Could really make use of the guy on our D-line, even as a depth player. This is why the bowl game is so important. If we beat Kansas State, hopely in a convincing fashion, recruits will look at Michigan as being on the upswing. Lose the bowl game, and recruits like him might get turned off and turn to other schools.

  2. This is kind of why I think Notre Dame was sly about deciding early to go to Pinstripe Bowl to play 6-6 Rutgers. Of course Rutgers will bring their A-game, but ND's talent level will be difficult to overcome, and Notre Dame will win easily. ND pummeling its bowl opponent will look good to the recruits. As for Michigan, I think Kansas State is an easier opponent than, let's say Georgia (Nebraska's opponent) or LSU (Iowa's opponent), but Snyder is a good coach and our offense has been so inconsistent.

  3. Good grief, suduri. Would a loss hurt Michigan's recruiting? Certainly ... but how much? What are the odds that someone like McDowell will base his decision on what's close to a coin flip? I'd acknowledge the possibility, but it's low-probability IMO. VERY low ...

    1. I'm with you on this. The idea that a single bowl loss would kill recruiting is unsupported at best, blatantly false at worst.

    2. Agree that a loss is not a big deal for recruiting, but it would be a big deal for team confidence and morale. I expect the staff to implement some changes in the off season and they could be dealing with a disgruntled/skeptical group after this crappy season. So going into the off season with bowl win would be a nice boost, particularly this year.

    3. Wow. "unsupported at best, blatantly false at worst." "Good grief, suduri." Wow. You guys ever keep up with recruiting? If it is a close call, wouldn't YOU want to go with a winning team? Why do you think Rich Rod's recruiting tanked in 2010? Why do you think top recruits flock to Bama? With presented with multiple choices, and choices are close, wouldn't recruits go with a winning team? Who wants to be a loser?

    4. Stop being outrage queens and accept the fact that LOSING is a turnoff for recruits.

    5. The only outrage queen here is you, bro.

    6. I don't see any "outrage queens" here, but I did see you (suduri, i.e.) overstate a couple of things.

      "If we beat Kansas State, hopely in a convincing fashion, recruits will look at Michigan as being on the upswing."

      You're not placing much faith in the intelligence of the average 17-year-old football player, are you?

      As others have noted, it's a question of degrees. We all want Michigan to win and that would help (at least a little bit) recruiting. The question is: How much?

    7. Wow. Me? I just said it's important to win the bowl game for the recruiting momentum. You two were the ones who were saying "good grief suduri" and "unsupported at best, blatantly false at worst" at my comment. Get a grip.

      Learn to disagree respectfully. That's why I called you two outrage queens, because somehow my opinion re: Michigan football, directed at no one, get an emotional response out from you two.

    8. @ suduri xusai: I don't think "good grief" is particularly disrespectful, and I don't think calling people "outrage queens" for it is very productive, either. You kind of reaped what you sowed there. I agree that we should be disagreeing respectfully.

    9. Perhaps. But remember how it started. I didn't call them anything. I just said about the importance of winning the bowl game re: recruiting, directed at nobody.

      They started flacking about how wrong I am, saying how it is "unsupported at best, blatantly false at worst." Really? It is just an opinion. Do I need a full statistical analysis for that one? I don't understand all these people who get emotional with every little thing. I can go on, but I will just stop here for now.

    10. suduri, I'll try to help (and hopefully not hurt). From your original post:

      "This is why the bowl game is so important. If we beat Kansas State, hopely in a convincing fashion, recruits will look at Michigan as being on the upswing. Lose the bowl game, and recruits like him might get turned off and turn to other schools."

      That seems like an overly strong black 'n white statement to me. It's reminiscent of nearly all the Drew Sharp (Detroit Free Press, in case you're not familiar with him) columns, where, in a possible effort to draw clicks and comments, places high value on single events without reference to a big picture. For example, it is easy to imagine him writing a column next week entitled "Michigan's D-line future depends on a McDowell commitment." He'd be at least 5% correct there; losing him would hurt. But, it would be an overly strong statement.

    11. suduri, you made a strong statement that could only be classified as an exaggeration. If you're going to attempt to make a causal relationship between a single bowl loss and suffering heavily on the recruiting front with the certainty that you appear to have, you should probably back that up.

      Notice how I'm not wrong. You probably know this, too, since you didn't shut me up with evidence and instead insulted me and resorted to tone trolling.

    12. Wow. Drew Sharp? Exaggeration? No.

      Unlike some of you I am a Michigander with a Michigan degree. Why would I try to hurt Michigan football? I've been a fan since I was a little kid!

      Ok guys. I don't know what's wrong with saying that a bowl win = recruiting momentum. I understand that there is no hard rule that a bowl win = recruiting momentum, but it is my opinion that a bowl win is very important for recruiting momentum, especially for this team right now. You can disagree with me, but there's no way to say that I am wrong.

      Let me expand this a bit. What do you think Hoke is selling? The program went 15-22 under Rich Rod. He is selling pre-Rodriguez history, sure, but as far as I can see, Hoke is selling the future. Hoke is selling the program saying that he will win the conference, will beat MSU, OSU, Notre Dame, etc. He hasn't delivered in second and third years. The time is running out. He can point to the youth, Rich Rod's recruiting, etc., but that excuse only lasts for so long. He has to show that he is starting to win out. That's why a bowl win after a disappointing season is so important (as far as I can see).

      A convincing win will show the recruits that Hoke can win, and he will win more and more from now on. So please stop nit-pick, look at what I said, and don't say ridiculous things like I am behaving like Drew Sharp. Thanks.

    13. Yeah - I highly doubt the bowl game outcome will have much impact. For the '14 commits, they'll already be 95% decided. For the '15 guys there a lot of time left. The bowl games just aren't a big deal outside of the BCS games. How many non-Michigan bowl games do you watch? Considering you're a football junkie (given, that you read this here blog) and a high school kid probably isn't watching as much football on TV as you are.

      It's one thing if you're a school that can have recruits visit, but M isn't going to be sending recruits to a game in Arizona.

      The narrative of this season doesn't change much with the bowl outcome. It was a disappointment either way and the recruits know that. They either have faith it will get better or they don't.

      As fans, we tend to overestimate how much the on-field stuff matters to recruits. There is relationships, friends, comforts, distance to home, academics, weather, girls, etc. The on-field stuff obviously does matter, but it's only part of it. The bowl game outcomes is a very small part within that part.

      Obviously, we all would like Michigan to show well, but the stakes here are very very low. This is probably Michigan's least important game of the season. The loss would mean less than any other loss and a win would not significantly change the direction of the program or season.

    14. TTB:

      I hope this thread is more amusing than annoying to you.


      You wrote: "Unlike some of you I am a Michigander with a Michigan degree." How do you know that? You're just being silly. How do we know _you_ have one? (I'd give you the benefit of the doubt on that.)

      You also wrote: "He hasn't delivered in second and third years. The time is running out." If that isn't "Sharpian" (as in Drew), I don't know what is. Let me repeat that: TIME IS RUNNING OUT. I believe that's a strong statement without much wiggle room. Had you said "Hoke's trajectory doesn't look as great as it did two years ago. I'm having increasing doubts about him ..." it might have been received differently.

      I was displeased many of the developments this year, but I highly doubt that Hoke has hot-seat status, which is what you seem to be implying.

      Hoke's oldest recruits (ignoring what he was able to scrape up in '11 on very short notice) were true sophomores or redshirt freshmen this past year. I wouldn't be comfortable judging the '12 kids (just to start) until after next year at the earliest.

      I think it's fair to comment on other areas (e.g., Al's play calls against Penn State and Nebraska).

    15. suduri...I thought you were STILL a little kid. I'm not entirely convinced you're not.

      I'm also from Michigan and I have TWO Michigan degrees. Guess that makes me twice the fan you are!

      Lank's right. Recruits don't over-analyze football programs to nearly the degree that fans do. They care about other stuff, like the individual coaches, how fun their visits are, if they like the area, etc.

    16. Ok Lan. I've never said the bowl game is going to DETERMINE what a recruit is going to do. Of course a number of factors are involved. In a close cases -- winning can make a team more attractive to a recruit. I had a hard time deciding between different graduate schools, for example. It is usually the little things that made the difference. Is that so hard to understand? I thought winning the bowl game can really increase our momentum heading into the NSD and offseason. Is that so hard to swallow for you?

      Anonymous: Ok, you think any questioning of Hoke's job status is Sharpism? If that's your position, I don't have an answer for you. I can't even suggest that? Even our recruits said it (Peppers)! Why do you think Brandon issued that statement for Hoke? God. The overall number of wins have decreased over the span of 3 years. If that doesn't warm the seat up, I don't know what does. Of course Hoke isn't being fired, esp. with that strong OSU performance. I don't know where this paranoia comes from man. All I said was a strong bowl performance and a win would aid our cause in recruiting. Is that so hard to swallow? Do you have to overcorrect every little thing that you don't wholeheartedly agree with?

      Hey Blastbeat, "still a kid?" Learn to respectfully disagree. Don't be a douchebag. Other than that, you don't deserve a response from me.

      Overall, I think some of people in this fansite are paranoid and like to nit-pick. Maybe they don't like the fact that I am posting frequently, expressing my opinion and passion for the team. All of you could've respectfully disagree with me, instead you throw names as if I am some MSU or OSU fan trolling on a Michigan site. Get a grip. And BlastBeat88, don't even bother replying, as I am not going to reply to a douchebag like you.

    17. One of the things I like about this site - if I may say so myself - is the presence of respectful language and discussion. Lanknows often disagrees with me and vice versa, but we can both respect each other's opinions. I certainly would appreciate it if we could carry on that tradition.

    18. Thunder, that's exactly what I want to do. I've never attacked anyone who didn't call me names. I know every team has its share of angry fans and people with issues, and I am starting to understand why Brian from mgoblog temporarily lost his cool. I hope I can express my opinions re: Michigan football without being called Drew Sharp, "still a kid," etc.

    19. Hang on, you struck first with "outrage queens," suduri. No insults were tossed before then. Now you're throwing a tantrum and pretty much lying.

      I'm going to drop this, but grow up.

    20. @thunder
      I disrespectfully disagree. Down with all Mikeshawites! Vince Smith 4life!

      relax and chill. I don't want to have to agree with BlastBeat88 ever again.

    21. I'm deleting comments from both sides in this thread. Pointless insults, threats of physical violence, etc. are unwanted here. Feel free to hit "Publish" but don't expect them to show up on the site.

  4. Do you see any indications Malik could end up being like Will Campbell- (i.e. a highly-touted defensive tackle because of tremendous size/physical gifts who doesn't reach his full potential at the college level due to troubles staying low and other technique-related issues)?

    1. Anything is possible. The one difference would be that Malik would have Brady and Mattison on him from the start and likely wouldn't be going through extreme coaching changes like Will had to endure.

    2. Really depends on where the kid's head is at. Guys who aren't humble and/or hardworking won't develop as they should. I heard a number of things about W Campbell from younger friends living on campus, and the words weren't glowing. Esp. the first few years, he was basically overweight (read fat) and a giant douchebag on basketball courts.

    3. I think McDowell is a better athlete than Will Campbell - faster, better at changing direction, able to bend at the knees better, etc. You never know how hard a guy is going to work, so that's the real key, but McDowell has a little more to build upon. Campbell was always bound to be pretty stiff because he couldn't bend at the knees and get off the ball extremely well.

  5. Said this before he committed to Alabama, but I think Hand was a less important recruit to Michigan than McDowell. The reason I say so is the position he plays. Michigan has some very good talent at the DE positions (Charlton, Ojemudia, Marshall) but less at the strongside/DT position (Wormley, Godin) where McDowell would land. I'd say a WDE/SDE prospect is less needed than a SDE/DT prospect. The other aspect is that as a local kid McDowell is more likely to go to MSU, OSU or ND, which hurts Michigan more than losing a player to Alabama.

    Both are 5 stars who can go wherever they want and we have to acknowledge the uncertainty of recruiting ranks, so we're within the margin of error when talking about a top 10 player vs a top 50 player.

    I'm cautiously optimistic on McDowell. He doesn't say much, so we don't know what he's thinking, but his frequent visits to Michigan are the only primary evidence we have. He could flip on a visit, but I would guess he is leaning Michigan as of today.

    1. I disagree, Wormley has improved considerably and after Frank Clark leaves next year I don't think we have anyone who can make as much impact at that position as Hand. Da'Shawn Hand will be a game changer, he would have been at Michigan and will be at Bama, it might take until his Soph or Junior year but he will be a force.

    2. Well sure - no one has the same profile/potential as Hand and like everyone else I wanted him badly.

      We have 3 guys who COULD be impact players at WDE. Marshall had a pretty nice offer list and his upside is good. Ojemudia has shown nice flashes too his first year and a half on campus. Chalton looked real promising as a freshman.

      At SDE (1.5): Charlton could move there and Wormley may be flexible between SDE/DT but it would be nice to have another guy with impact potential at the position, since not all these players will pan out.

      At DT (1.5): we have Henry, who may be needed at NT and Wormley. The other guys are lower upside, role-player types.

      It seems to me that we have more star-potential in the pipeline at end than at DT/SDE.

    3. There are guys with hype who were buried on the depth chart for a variety of reasons, like Strobel (playing out of position, severe hand injury), Poggi, and Godin (got some playing time, passed by Wormley) who could emerge after another year. None of those guys will be stars, but they'll probably contribute.

      Of course, none of those guys are really DT-sized. McDowell is extremely important.

    4. I'm not giving up on Strobel and Hurst JR (guys I thought highly of as a recruits) or Poggi and Godin (who I did not) as useful players, just recognizing that their position on the depth chart as young guys makes it a little less likely that they're going to be impact players/studs/all-conference. Too early to judge on that front, but the real impact guys typically play in their first or second year and show good promise. Exceptions abound though.

      Bottomline: I'd love to have either Hand or McDowell. But based on their positions and hometowns, I'd rather Michigan landed McDowell, despite him being a little lower ranked.

  6. McDowell is not coming to Mich, get over it. He would have commited already if he was.

    We need to start focusing on some under the radar guys, like Sparty does, 2* or 3* guys and get some decent coaches, like Sparty does, and coach them up.

    Not sure if our present coaching staff is up to the task. So far obviously they've shown one thing... they're not up to the task.

    1. I think we need to see if Glenville has an uncommitted 3-star lineman. The last couple (Clark and Henry) have worked out pretty well.

    2. Purdue also focuses on 3* guys.

  7. Once Bama or some other schools start flashing some dough, he will go there. My prediction anyway.

  8. Our chances with McDowell are very slim at this point. I mean seriously…if you had watched us and Michigan State this year, which team and which defense would YOU want to play for? Which coaching staff is going to make you the best you can be?

    1. I don't understand this line of thinking. Kids don't automatically commit to the team that wins the most games, or the team that beats the other team recruit him, etc. If that were the case, none of Notre Dame's commits would have picked them over Michigan. Tommy Doles wouldn't have picked Northwestern over Michigan. All the kids with Ohio State offers would have picked them instead of Michigan. Etc.

  9. Not always, no...but the longer he goes without settling on Michigan, the more I have to think that those factors come into play. And I think players at least like to think they're signing on with a program on the uptick, and Michigan has been exactly the opposite..our record has gotten worse the last two years.

    Btw, NW won more games than us last year..

  10. If it's rare for someone with his size to play on the interior of the defensive line, why not move him to offense? His height, wingspan, quickness, and tenacity would be more the norm as a tackle. At 6'-7", and what looks like 290 pretty good pounds as a high schooler, he looks like the prototype for #77. He looks a little like Cyrus Kouandjio.
