
Monday, January 6, 2014

Grantland: The Making of a Modern-Day Guru

Chris Brown goes into detail about Gus Malzahn's wildly successful offense.

Hit the jump for a girl named Danni Meow.

Danni Meow


  1. So close. On the other hand, I am glad that the veneer of SEC dominance has been exposed to a degree -- Alabama's loss to Oklahoma, Auburn's loss to FSU, and Georgia's loss to Nebraska hopely will shut up some of those annoying SEC fans believing their brand of football is somehow inherently and surely superior to everyone else's. Lightly-recruited players of Duke also almost brought down the star-strudded Texas A&M team. Without Manziel's epic, eye-popping performance, Duke would've rolled. The painful 2013 football season finally ended. Hopely we can add a few more recruits to our list and hold onto Peppers into NSD.

  2. Wow that girl is YOUNG.

  3. Dude, that girl is WAY too young!
