
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

MLive: Michigan continues to shuffle offensive line

Nick Baumgardner has a piece on the various lineups Michigan is throwing out there during spring ball to find a competent offensive line.

Hit the jump for some pretty pictures of Lauren Hanley.

Lauren Hanley

Lauren Hanley

Lauren Hanley

Lauren Hanley

Lauren Hanley


  1. We have a lot of capable bodies, but they are still so young. Without a dominant star for players to look up to, learn from, and try to emulate, OL is still the position group that worries me the most. Maybe with Lewan gone, the rest of the OL will step up to replace him, but it's a worrisome position.

    Interior DL would be second most worrisome. The switch to a 4-3 over makes me less worried about interior DL, because we no longer NEED a Pipkins type nose.

    Not worried about any other positions. If we can drastically improve these two position group, sky is the limit for this team.

  2. I find her very attractive.
