
Monday, March 24, 2014

MLive: Speight, Canteen turning heads

Fans are always looking for the next big thing, but there's been considerable buzz about freshman wide receiver Freddy Canteen and some pretty positive comments on freshman QB Wilton Speight.

Hit the jump for Denise Milani. It would be a good idea.

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani

Denise Milani


  1. I realize it's spring ball, and this is the time for hopeful enthusiasm.

    That said, it's nice to read of standout performances like this.

  2. I think Speight will eventually be a good player for us, but barring injury, there's no way he will be in the mix for playing time this year. Even if by some chance he's better than Morris, it's silly to burn a redshirt for a backup QB unless you have nobody else. Canteen, on the other hand, will very likely contribute this fall.

    That being said, I've become pretty immune to practice buzz with this team. Until I see it on the field in real game, it doesn't exist.

    1. I'm with ya - heard too much buzz in the past translate into nothing.

      Most notably: Jerald Robinson.

  3. And Frank Clark, Ben Braden, Thomas Rawls, Justice Hayes, Russell Bellomy....the list goes on and on.

  4. Frank Clark was the one "Buzz Name" last year that I bought into, and while he's a nice player, he doesn't even belong in the same sentence as Will Gholston, Brandon Graham etc.

    I'm tempted to buy into the Ben Braden hype based on Lewan's endorsement alone, but who knows.

    It's time for MORE STEAK & LESS SIZZLE

    1. Braden's athleticism makes me excited, but he needs to use it as a tackle.

      Lewan said he had something like 10% body fat on his frame. 10% body fat on a 320 lbs kid. That's ridiculous.
