
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

MLive: Athlon ranks Hoke #38 coach in country, #8 in Big Ten

Athlon got done with their rankings of all the coaches nationally, and Michigan's very own Brady Hoke came in at #38. Of course, a lot of this comes down to team performance, so it ignores outside factors. So take it with a grain of salt. One good season could vault him ahead of several of those coaches and put him back in the upper echelon.

Hit the jump for Katee Owen, including a GIF that will bring you joy.

Katee Owen
Katee Owen
Katee Owen


  1. Great personality!

  2. now that we got ole thunder posting giffys.. we need to convince him that a little nudity never hurt anyone

  3. I keep watching that movie but it keeps glitching, I have hit the refresh button about a dozen times hoping that it will play all the way thru. I dont understand this new dang gon technology and "hip" lingo. just when i thought i was on top of things(i just figured out gravity) the high speed .net throws me a curve

  4. On the pontoon.. motorboatingggg

  5. 38 seems a bit high for negative rushing yards in consecutive games.

  6. 38 seems a bit high for negative rushing yards in consecutive games.

  7. Seems to be significant size differences from pic one to the gif...although there is a lot of "motion to that ocean", so not calling artificial just yet...

  8. To the Anonymous who posted the link:

    I don't want to get in the habit of linking to nude pictures, but for those of you who are interested, let it suffice to say that if you search Google, you can find other pictures and gifs of Katee Owen.

  9. Well. Got to say 8th in the Big Ten might be about right given his record thus far. He got to beat rivals this year or he won't be around for long. If Urban makes it 3 straight.... The shades of Jim Tressel.

  10. Jeez, you lazy sob's...just google her name and the video showing he boobs is the second link.
