
Monday, April 28, 2014

SB Nation: The mismatch problem - Why college football scholarships are not enough

Michael Bird of Braves and Birds  explains why the current system of college football scholarships is unsatisfactory.

Hit the jump for Gabriela Cevallos.

Gabriela Cevallos

Gabriela Cevallos

Gabriela Cevallos


  1. 40/50 hours a week of football during the season is the number that continually gets thrown out there. Is that an accurate number? How does a players weekly schedule work?

  2. I know this is probably not going to be popular, but as someone who has been out of college for 15 years and had an education that was just over $250K in total....with a total debt of around $140K; I really am struggling with the Student-Athlete term. It is about time the NCAA did the right thing and did away with all athletic scholarships. The NCAA needs to become the governing body for students who participate in sports where they determine the set amount an athlete can be paid, the rules they play under and the penalties for not following the rules. They need to eliminate the power the conferences have and follow the same model the professional sports teams use. You create leagues or divisions and that is that. From there every athlete is paid the same amount (I don't care if it is by the sport they play or whatever) so there is no unfair advantage to any university and the student athlete is forced to pay their own tuition, room and board, meals and an expense to be a part of the team (much like a lab fee for some classes).

    Now for those who think I am nuts....I walked onto a D1 basketball program. I was not given a scholarship, had to maintain my academic scholarship, still had to participate in all the same stuff as the other athletes, was not eligible at the time for my clothing/ shoes like the other athletes and was not guaranteed from one year to the next. Without an academic scholarship I would have accumulated $25K in debt unlike the athletes I was beating out on the court.
