
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Video: Freddy Canteen confident in his own skills

The title of the video says it all, and I'm giving this one its own post because it's a "must see" for Michigan fans. Freshman receiver Freddy Canteen answers questions pretty frankly, and he even seems a little annoyed by the line of questioning and/or the people questioning him, so perhaps this gives us some insight as to why he wasn't a very vocal recruit. I don't know that I've seen a freshman come in this brimming with confidence (maybe there's another word for it . . .?) since Ryan Mallett.


  1. Having that kind of swagger helps at receiver and cornerback. This clip made me psyched to see the spring game.

  2. If i'm Hoke, i'm keeping that kid away from the press. I'm also having the conversation about, "Go ahead and think it all you want, just be keeping your mouth shut."

  3. I Love his swag, we have been lacking it of late. anyone else think he looks like Braylon Edwards?

  4. Finally some personality and honest answers. After watching all of these interviews I'd swear all of these guys are sent to the School of Public Correctness and Nonfucking Answers taught by Bill Belicheck. I keep waiting for the 60 minutes special on it because it's everywhere and drives me crazy. A little personality and honesty go a long way in my eyes. This kids my new favorite.

  5. If Freddy can back up even half his swag..... he is going to be a great addition to the Offense.

    I was surprised he said he would be used mostly on the outside, I had heard he would be in the slot?
