
Friday, May 16, 2014

Eleven Warriors: Knowing the Enemy - Hoke, the Wolverines, and Michigan fans

Michael Citro talked to MGoBlog's Ace Anbender about where Michigan stands right now headed into the summer.

Hit the jump for some good looking ladies.


  1. Ace and the rest of the 'goblog staff are the epitome of worst Michigan fans. Smart guys academically, went to Michigan, know enough to read football websites and learn how to speak x's and o's. Not one of them played, coached, or could even take a hit from Terry Richardson without taking off six-months for emotional issues. Ace's assessment is superficial at best and he along with the rest are more interested in being accepted amongst the angst-ridden nerd athletic blog elite than really looking at the team with an eye for true issues and insight. With what is considered a bad line last year we came within our own chance for a conversion to beat the vaunted Buckeyes - but Ace classifies that as a bad performance against our rival in that we have lost 2 of 3. Well, most likely someone will have one more win in an odd number and a win, loss, and essentially toss-up on the field isn't exactly getting panted by OSU. These guys have literally no access to the team, and come up with their opinions to impress each other. If Michigan won 11 games in a season they would belabor the one loss and that would be a source of constant negative sarcasm. Ohh, and it's also hip to publicly state everything the AD does is bad. Not one of those guys could run such a complex organization but they of course know every correct move to make.

    1. Yowzers. I don't think I've seen such harsh criticism of those guys.

      I have some agreements and disagreements with what you said, but the only one I'll mention is that just because they couldn't run such a complex organization doesn't mean they're wrong. Personally, I don't have a problem with some of the stuff that Dave Brandon has been criticized for. But none of us could run Michigan's athletic department or even the football program, so you seem to also be suggesting that none of us have the right to criticize Brandon, Hoke, any other athletic department, any other college head coach, etc. I also couldn't be a President of the United States or Governor of Michigan, but we all probably criticize something they do.

    2. ...Slow clap...

      Preach it, brother.

  2. Goes beyond the mere fact that they are critical of players, hoke, brandon, et al. They absolutely have the right to. It is certainly subjective but I still contend they are overly critical, negative, and sarcastic. They have the perfect ability to sit after a week of watching film and challenging plays and second guessing everything that happened on the field. My point is any of us can do that - try doing that real-time. I find it interesting too that they rail against Brandon and the culture of college football for using the players generate profits they are not able to have access to …. but… they are pimping a magazine and a blog site that um , uses pictures of players (likenesses) and don't share the profits with the college kids. Is Jake Ryan going to get a cut of being on the cover of their magazine. I also know that a fair comment is coming that if I don't like what they are producing then stop going to the site which is absolutely fair to say.

    1. If I'm not mistaken, is the largest blog of its type online. We are fans of Michigan athletics. They are one of the dedicated in depth resources that we can find online. Do I agree with everything on their site? Nope. Do I frequent the site to try and establish a more well-rounded view of the team I love? Absolutely. My criticism for you is, if you think you're better than them, and could do it better prove it. Thunder frequents their site too, and I love his analysis of recruits more than anything they have over there.

    2. Jesus Christ dude. If you can do it better start your site, give us the address, and let us come see what kind of content you can give us.
      It's a online resource that is totally dedicated to the team we love(I assume you love them since you're on 2 different blogs). Hell, Thunder frequents the site too. I read CNN and Fox News to establish 2 different opinions of the same subjects.

    3. P.S. someone seems a little butthurt over that site. Were you possibly sent to "Bolivia"?

    4. Every site has its positives and negatives. There are things I like and dislike about The Wolverine, Go Blue Wolverines, Go Blue Michigan Wolverine, MGoBlog, etc. There are things I don't like about my own site (mostly having to do with my lack of programming abilities). Personally, I would love to have the following/readership at TTB that MGoBlog does, but there are certain things at that site that just don't fit my style.

  3. interesting that a criticism of what I said is that I should do it … fair point but also something out of my ability to do with my day job(s). It is a fair point though. I would ask however that you should submit the same critique of the Mgoblog staff in that they are very critical of coaches but don't coach themselves. Critical of players but haven't played themselves. Critical of every move of the AD but probably haven't run an organization that size themselves. I really would love to start a blog and grouse 80% of the time.

    1. I agree. Not everyone has the time to blog. It's fair to criticize others even when we couldn't do it ourselves. I might think my local McDonald's is poorly run or that the traffic lights are programmed inefficiently, but I can't keep my current jobs, buy a McDonald's, and become a city planner all at once.

    2. No, the criticism really stemmed from the fact that you dismissed some people's analysis of the Michigan football program because they had never played or coached, and couldn't take a hit from Terry Richardson (wtf, was that some testosterone thingy?), while failing to provide any insight on "true issues" yourself. You don't need your own blog or website to do that, dude, so stop making excuses. You can do it here or there, right in the comments sections.

      Dazzle us.
