
Saturday, May 3, 2014

MLive: Spring recap - Canteen turns heads, Funchess is a mismatch, but what else?

Nick Baumgardner looks at the wide receiver position coming out of spring ball.

Hit the jump for Angie Varona.

Angie Varona

Angie Varona


  1. We really only had two productive WRs last year, and if Darboh can get back to healthy, we'll probably have four, along with whatever contributions from York, Dukes, Harris, Jones and Norfleet we can squeeze out. We probably won't have anyone with the impact Gallon did last year, if Gardner has more time to throw, our passing game will be just fine.

  2. Isn't this girl only 15? I believe she had an account hacked, and it ruined her life.

    1. She WAS only 15 (as we all were). These pictures are not from that time. She's over 18 now.
