
Friday, May 2, 2014

MLive: Spring recap - Is Smith ahead of Green, and does it matter?

Nick Baumgardner explores the running back situation after spring ball concluded.

Hit the jump for Paulina Gretzky, the Great One's great looking daughter.

Paulina Gretzky

Paulina Gretzky

Paulina Gretzky

Paulina Gretzky


  1. "Is Smith ahead of Green, and does it matter?"

    No, not really. What matters is (a) RB production, and (b) team cohesion, in that order.

    To the extent it would matter at all is if Michigan received a reputation for not developing or using their most highly rated recruits. That might dissuade other highly-rated recruits. But I doubt it ... my sense is those recruits are going to be motivated by competition and the opportunity to prove themselves on the big stage.

    The fact that Green and Smith are good friends off the field and work together to better themselves is a good sign of team cohesion. Now let's see the on-field production.

  2. Paulina takes after her mother, Janet Jones.

    I had no idea the Gretskys had so many children: Paulina Gretzky, Emma Gretzky, Ty Gretzky, Tristan Gretzky, Trevor Gretzky.

  3. Does it matter at this point? Of course not. Silly question. The only thing that matters is who is ahead of who at the end of fall,practice, and even that, not too much. I suspect they'll both get their share of carries this fall, and have plenty of opportunity to contribute. What matters more is, who will Green and Smith have ahead of THEM...blockers or tacklers?

  4. Both will get carries. The order will probably be determined by pass pro, not production. They'll go with the hot hand.

    Someone might slap me for this, but I wonder if Drake Johnson's healing up properly. The coaches liked him enough to put him behind Fitz last year, so maybe there's something to that.

  5. I'd like to think that Johnson could contribute this fall, but I'm usually skeptical about RBs who redshirt. A guy who can bring some top level speed would be a nice change of pace, but I would question how effective he'll be running behind an Oline that is still a bit spotty in technique.
