
Thursday, May 1, 2014

MLive: Stat projection - Michigan to finish 8-4

Brian Fremeau predicts that Michigan will go 8-4 in 2014 and finish third in the Big Ten East.

Hit the jump for Courtney Shoemaker, a platinum blonde who might make you feel a little better.

Courtney Shoemaker

Courtney Shoemaker

Courtney Shoemaker


  1. 8-4 is not that bold a prediction. There's probably as good a chance it's 9-3. Toss a coin.

    Where the prediction gets into chancy territory is 7-5 or 10-2.

    I've had debates about this elsewhere -- I'd be happy with 9-3 where Michigan plays competitive and clear signs of improvement are evident. I'm much rather than that than a 10-2 season where Michigan stumbles to its wins and gets creamed in its losses.

    Michigan *desperately* needs to show it's on a path to improvement. A sideways 2014 is trouble. Big trouble.

    1. Agree completely. At the end of the season, there needs to be no doubt that this is a program on the rise, and I'm not sure how that happens if we're only 8-4. I think 9-3 is the absolute minimum for Hoke to keep his job, and there had better not be too many close wins against lame teams among that 9.

      This team was 7-5 when Hoke took over, and if he can't improve by more than 1 game in 4 freaking years, despite all of the recruiting success he's had, then he's obviously not going to get the job done.

      Harbaugh took over a 1-11 Stanford team and had them at 12-1 in four years. Brian Kelly took ND from 6-6 to the NC game in three. It should not take 5-6 years to turn a major program around, if you're the guy for the job.

    2. Right on. UM has eight very manageable games this year because they miss several of the traditionally stout teams like Iowa, Wiscy, and Neb. I see Nebraska and Iowa being better this year, so that is a good thing. PSU has momentum going with the new coach and all, but their fans are in for a rude awakening - PSU has some major holes on offense and defense and they lost the WR who bailed them out repeatedly last year. Very confident that UM controls that one. I'm expecting 9-3, but 10-2 is feasible. OSU and MSU will be good again, but they will not be quite as good as they were last year.

      The author in the article uses the last five years' performance to predict 2014 outcomes. That is sound reasoning in general, but UM is in a unique position in that most of their core players just got their feet wet for the first time in '13. So the core of the team in '14 has had little influence on the results the last several years.

    3. I have U of M going 10-2. There's no way OL is worse than last year with the guys maturing and scheme becoming more simple. PSU won't be so hard, especially at our own stadium. PSU will feel the impact of sanctions for a long time, and PSU fans are going to drive back to Pennsylvania in tears. We miss Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska -- all formidable foes. I see Michigan losing to Michigan State and Ohio, but a 10-2 season will get Hoke another year, and 2015 is shaping up to be a special year with 2012 and 2013 recruits becoming upperclassmen.

  2. ay Mami

    Schwing like a mo-fo!

  3. It didn't make me feel better. We are Notre Dame, there's no use even denying it anymore, saying that we didn't get Chad Lindsay because he couldn't get in just cements it.

    1. Notre Dame went 12-1 in 2012 and 9-4 last year. And trust me ND will go at least 9-3 in the regular season. I'd rather have ND's record at this point. I hope Hoke can fight on and get that 9+ wins for the 2015 season.
