
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Site news: Movin' on up?

If you're a regular visitor, you may have noticed a lack of in-depth posts in the past few days. Despite football season being months away, I found myself somewhat abruptly inundated with things to consume my time. Some of them are personal (time-consuming but nothing serious), while others are good news related to the blog.

I am glad to report that I was recently contacted to write an article for a national football season preview magazine. I will give more specifics when the time arises, but in the meantime, I am proud to have been asked. That has taken up some time that I normally can devote to the blog, but that will presumably be a short-term time constraint.

A new website is also under construction, but that too has been put on the back burner while I take care of these other projects.

I thoroughly appreciate the contributors, readers, and commenters on TTB, and thanks for your patience through the occasional lull.


  1. Congratulations, TTB, on that opportunity!

  2. Congrats Magnus. I have enjoyed reading your site over the last couple years. Good thorough football commentary. I may not agree 100% with all of it, but opinions are just that. However, you provide insight into your commentary that helps to see where you came to your decisions. Those insights are why you are my favorite football site to visit.

  3. So - if you end up writing an article for a national mag, you are going to have to reveal who you are right?

    1. It is possible to write under a pen name. That's what Mrs. Silence Dogood told me one time, anyway.

  4. Congratulations! This is one of the few blogs I read everyday & check for updates. Given your knowledge of the game, I'm always interested in hearing your opinion.

    This may be a dumb question because I have know idea what kind of money or resources it takes to have one, but have ever you ever thought about having a downloadable app?

    1. Thanks! I have no idea what kind of money or resources it takes, either. Blogger's mobile site is pretty quick and I have a Blogger app on my phone that allows me to perform some rudimentary tasks, so I haven't really considered an app at this point. It would seem somewhat redundant right now, but once I move the site off of Blogger, I might have to reconsider.

  5. Well, this is good news indeed! True talent is eventually recognized. Congratulations!

    Under my "Sports" folder in my Firefox bookmarks, Touch the Banner is up near the top. I come every day and check what's going on. One of the things I appreciate about this site is your writing style -- it's informative, readable and concise. Other sites -- I'll leave them unnamed -- tend to rely too heavily on snark and attempts at humor. What takes others several paragraphs to say you say in a sentence or two.

    I also appreciate some of the subtle insights I pick up here related to football and how it's played. That comes through in your player scouting -- your evaluations of players reveals a lot of interesting things about the nuances of various positions.

    Oh, and the pictures you provide are often nice ... though just in case my wife sees this, officially I don't pay any attention to those. :-)

    Looking forward to seeing the article you're writing! Congratulations once again!

    1. Up near the top? I guess I'll have to keep working to get it to #1...

      Anyway, thanks!

  6. Good for you Thunder! Although I may not approve of the nazi censorship of the "comments" TTB is a favorite of mine.. for a few reasons(in no specific order).. weekend updates, posts like "Noteworthy 2014 NFL Draft picks" = news about the program/big ten/midwest/anything remotely related, hot girls update(i'm the one always commenting about the gifs), MORE GIFS. and genuine content no bs,

    A few things I might change but this is The Thunder's blog:
    I;m not crazy about the visitor lists, it would be nice if you somehow separated the names each time you updated it. When talking about recruits and new kids, a link to 247 would be nice. Not crazy about the recruiting updates. The two sentence bio.. Really? two? I wanna know more about you besides books you read. It dosent have to be anything telling. How about an Al Bundy quote of the day?

    1. I've not once been censored. I must not be a Nazi. Or not anti-Nazi. Or whatever. :-)

    2. Generally, the only comments I censor are the truly vulgar ones about women/sex. I like good looking ladies as much as (or more than) the next guy, but I appreciate a modicum of taste.

      I generally try to provide a snapshot of what would be on a player's 247 profile, so I don't really see a need to link to their site when I already list their height, weight, offer lists, recent recruiting updates, highlights, stats, and rankings, etc. No offense, but I figure it's easy enough to type in "alex malzone 247" if you really want to see his Crystal Ball picks or some other information not shared.

      The Al Bundy quote of the day sounds interesting...but I was never a huge fan of "Married with Children." I think two sentences are enough to sum me up. I'm a simple guy.

  7. Congrats on expanding your writing portfolio. All the best.

  8. Thanks, Lanknows. It seems like you've been with me from the beginning. When I win a Pulitzer for my post-game awards, I'll be sure to invite you to the ceremony.
