
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Total Pro Sports: New England Patriots' leaked Johnny Manziel scouting report

Somehow Total Pro Sports  got their hands on a Patriots scouting report that says lots of not nice things about Johnny Manziel. If nothing else, it's an interesting look at a pro scouting report.

Hit the jump for Eriana Blanco.

Eriana Blanco

Eriana Blanco

Eriana Blanco

Eriana Blanco


  1. Not surprised to see many of their comments about risks involved in taking Manziel. On the other hand... Shaun Crawford decommits for Ohio and Notre Dame visits... Really got to get those wins piled on, or the house will go down pretty quick...

  2. I liked the part about, "Will never take football seriously enough for our staff." I would think that's a problem they have some experience with at New England.

  3. What I wouldn't give for some camel toe right now.

  4. She has a weirdly elongated belly button. I don't get it.

    1. You looked at those photos and saw her...... belly button?

    2. Ha! I was staring so long, absorbing every inch of her lusciousness...and went down her body...and was like WTF is that? Looks like the Grand Canyon of belly buttons!

  5. I think the off-field issues are a bit overblown. I suspect we'll see Manziel settles down now in the NFL. Or at least I would hope so ... because otherwise, he won't last long in the league.

    The line about reverting to "playground" football caught my eye. That was always my gripe about Manziel -- yeah, watching him scramble around and do crazy things made for fun TV, but it won't work in the NFL very often. The defensive players are the best of the best, and they're fast -- so Manziel's differential in speed and quickness isn't as pronounced. And they would not like being mocked by Manziel's doing hot-dog stuff, so given a chance they'd *hammer* him to prove a point.

    I would *much* rather have a QB that's calm and smart about things. Manziel may become that guy. But he has to prove that. His body of evidence so far suggests something a bit different.
