
Friday, September 26, 2014

Gregg Henson: Ex-Michigan players want Dave Brandon out as athletic director

Gregg Henson now has sources and some seemingly concrete info to back up his claim that Dave Brandon will be gone soon (LINK).

This article is too interesting to wait until tonight to post, so here's an extra dose of good looking women.


  1. As much as I don't like DB's strategy of milking every ounce of $ from fans, etc., this list sounds bogus. Do you think the regents would accept a plea that includes stuff about Coleman getting drunk and speaking in public? And how's that DB's fault? DB may well be fired, but not through this one.

  2. I honestly don't see the Harbaugh thing. he really does strike me as someone who truly wanted to get to the NFL and did that. now, for some reason, there are constant rumors flying around about a growing divide between he and the powers that be in San Francisco, and he may not be around there too much longer. but, i still don't see him sticking around the college game for very long even if that does happen. Michigan wants/needs a coach who wants that to be their last stop. someone who wants to be at Michigan until they decide to retire, not until the next good NFL job opens up. Harbaugh's situation just doesn't seem stable. if he were to come to Michigan, i want them to be damn sure he's not bolting for the NFL again like what just happened at Penn State.

    1. How about hiring someone who will get the program back on solid footing, regardless of whether they have aspirations of coaching in the NFL or not? O'Brien did a great job of getting Penn State headed in the right direction. You are going to most likely end up with a very average coach if you restrict yourself to a search involving only coaches that want to make Michigan their final destination.

    2. The 10:20 AM commentator is too much aligned to either the "Michigan Man" camp, which boxes in our choices to "impossibility" or paralysis, or is a troll working to make sure we stay in the quagmire. The "Dynasty is Dead." Time to get a new regime. It's nearly impossible to fire and hire both an AD and a Coach at the same time, so I'd say we should start with the AD first.

    3. Well, I think John Harbaugh is more likely candidate than Jim Harbaugh. Yes, John Harbaugh played at Miami of OH and has less of a connection to Michigan than Jim. But John already won a super bowl and if he wants to takeover Michigan this is the time to do it. And elite HS players would flock to the program--John Harbaugh led the Ravens to a super bowl win.

  3. 1) Who is Gregg Henson?

    2) Congratulations to the fans and ex-players who have managed to bring Michigan down. By tearing apart the coach, assuring everyone he will be fired and maybe the A.D. too, and how bad the team is, you've no doubt reduced Michigan in the eyes of football fans throughout the nation, not to mention recruits -- hopefully you can convince them to go someplace else. Success!

    You've also demonstrated to everyone that there is nothing special about Michigan; there is no loyalty or class in our community -- maybe less than other fanbases. I'm sure, after seeing how you treat the current team and coaches, potential future players and coaches can't wait to play for you.

    Thank you! Go Blue!

    1. Blaming the fans...LOL. We are acting logically to Brandon's mismanagement and mockery of the program.

      @10:20...I agree. It is wishful thinking and Michigan would be better off with Miles. He has a better track record in college football and deep roots in the South which is great for recruiting. My guess...Harbaugh goes to Miami and Ross gives UM a larger donation that normal.
