
Sunday, September 28, 2014

MLive: Hoke releases statement on handling of Shane Morris injury

Brady Hoke (a.k.a. the University) released a statement about the staff's handling of Shane Morris's injury against Minnesota on Saturday (LINK).

Hit the jump for a few pictures of Jen Selter, who's well known for her posterior. Oh, and a gif of one of her workouts.

Jen Selter

Jen Selter

Jen Selter



    ps-fire brandon and hoke

  2. All he ever does is evade responsibility. Where is this crap about the legs anyway? Morris was hit on the head. Legs are secondary. Hoke deserves to be fired tomorrow.

  3. For what it's worth, I never thought that Morris was concussed. Did he take a illegal hit ? Yes. But I thought it was his leg the entire time. The game of football should put players health first but the game has changed from a tough guys sport to the opposite. If you don't want to play a sport where injuries might occur, then don't. No one is twisting your arm. With horse collar tackles, launching, targeting, and so on, it's hard for the defense to tackle anyone. It's the wussification of America. Play Football!

    1. Is America is being wussified? Most definitely, but this is definitely not a case of that at all. I doubt you've ever played college football or stepped into a boxing ring at an even amateur level and you'd go crying to your momma at the first sign of trouble. Remember, these guys are college students, not paid professionals. You can't sacrifice their health for your popcorn eatin' beer swillin' couch potato pleasure.

  4. Have Bellomy put a string from his wrist to his helmet so he can find when needed.

  5. To blastbeat88, your boyfriend is probably very proud of you for being an internet bad ass. And to anon 115, you are correct. I did not play college football. I did however fight men in other places around the world,and in bars, streets, and cages. Men that would make you curl up in the fetal position and suck your thumb. I have been a Michigan fan for most of my life. Over 30 years. But this site and others have made me not like the northern, liberal, pansy fans. Every Saturday of football season my life revolves around the Michigan game. I can no longer do that. We used to win and do it honorably. Now we do neither. I will now root for a good southern team with fans that are a little more like me. We don't get on message boards and call people idiots or say that they would go crying to their mother. Remember anon that their are people that fight every day in far away lands to protect your pansy ass. Don't do like the pansy liberal hippies did back in the 70's and spit in thier face. Even if it's on a website. To you or blastbeat, if either of you want to drive down to southern wv, past the coal fields, 15 miles up an old dirt road to the family farm, I will gladly give you directions so we can see if you call me names to my face. And to Thunder, thank you for running a great site all for free simply because you love Michigan football.

    1. Hah. Gay jokes and threats of physical violence along with some fake directions to your "home." Then some straight-up crazy talk, no doubt driven by the tainted moonshine.

      You're not even a good troll. Let the door hit you on the way out.

  6. 1) This program is officially a tire fire...led by a neanderthal with a weasel at AD.

    2) That GIF is hypnotic...
