
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Detroit News: Enough is enough, Michigan must fire Brady Hoke

Bob Wojnowski has jumped on the bandwagon of people wanting Brady Hoke fired (LINK).

Hit the jump for a few pictures of Dianna Dahlgren.

Dianna Dahlgren

Dianna Dahlgren

Dianna Dahlgren


  1. She's certainly not skipping her leg days.

    Hoke is a dead man walking. Hopefully the powers that be are smart enough to clean house completely and start by firing Brandon which I would think would serve to broaden the universe of coaching candidates considerably.

  2. It is Harbaugh or bust for me. I don't want some successful smaller school coach with no pressure on him to win (I'm looking at you Mullen). Coaching here isn't the same, it just isn't. I don't want to make a change simply for the sake of making a change. We are young. I know Hoke can coach, he really can but I don't think he can handle the pressure cooker especially with a boss like the asshole Brandon. I'm just trying to approach this rationally. I don't know what else to say anymore.
