
Thursday, October 9, 2014

MLive: Hoke says Michigan will use Gardner a tad differently

It sounds like Michigan will be deploying quarterback Devin Gardner in some new ways this weekend (LINK).

Hit the jump for Hannah Polites in some swimwear.

Hannah Polites

Hannah Polites

Hannah Polites


  1. About time they tried something new. I'm so tired of seeing michigan get out schemed and then hear the coaches blame it on execution. Come up with something new that takes advantage of your opponents weaknesses and coach your players up to the point where they can fucking execute. You're getting paid like a top ten coach, now do your job. Miss Polites is really something special. Good choice.

  2. Magnus, looks like you forgot to include the link to the article. I can't blame you, though -- I nearly forgot what was I doing after gazing upon Miss Polites

  3. Would that Hoke had come up with this thought last year, he probably wouldn't be choking on the noose.
