
Thursday, October 2, 2014

MLive: Rich Rodriguez comments on Michigan situation

Former Michigan head coach Rich Rodriguez had some general comments to share about Michigan, although he does a good job of staying above the fray, which is a good choice on his part (LINK).

Hit the jump for three very good looking ladies.


  1. Congrats rich rod!!!
    WOHOOO! Big win over Oregon!
    3rd year at AZ, 3rd straight diff QB, and 3 years in a row of beating a top 10 team!

    1. I wonder how Arizona fans were feeling about RR BEFORE this win over Oregon? Zona had beaten UT-San Antonio 26-23, Nevada 35-28 (in Tucson) and Cal 49-45 (in Tucson on a 50 yard Hail Mary on the final play of the game).

      RR clearly has Oregon's number (probably something to do with running an almost identical offense) but I predict Zona will still lose a minimum of 3 games this season. Obviously, UM fans would kill for a 9-4 season at this point but I think they would still be grumbling if RR were at UM.

    2. >> I wonder how Arizona fans were feeling about RR BEFORE this win over Oregon?

      I live in Tucson, and it's hard to gauge the mood of the AZ football fans. My sense is they are loyal to their team, but have suffered *decades* of dashed hopes, so they're still in a wait-and-see attitude. Their comments after the win over Cal was mostly how their defense can't give up as many points as they did, and how they can't count on last-second-miracle passes to win games.

      In short, I think fans are happy for the wins and are *cautiously* optimistic about the season. A lot of games left, and Arizona has a habit of dropping games they should not.

  2. Win = win
    3 seasons before MI 3 seasons after, richrod is 53-15 w 4 wins over top 10 teams...

  3. Good for Arizona.

    Bad for Michigan State. Their one loss is now to a team that lost to an unranked team.

    The path to the four-team playoff just got harder for MSU ... and the Big Ten in general.

    Saturday's game between Nebraska and MSU now takes on added significance. If Nebraska wins, then MSU tumbles and Nebraska is the B1G's last hope for a spot in the playoff. If MSU wins then Nebraska tumbles and MSU sits with that Oregon loss.

  4. It makes me wish we had given him another year. Not like we got Harbaugh or Miles anyway, see what happens in year four and at least be sure. I still can't believe we got rid of Rich Rod for Brady Hoke.

  5. All that bad luck Rodriguez had while at Michigan (several 'almosts', especially in 2010 that could have really changed the atmosphere and attitudes around AA) seems to have flipped for him in Arizona. He shouldn't be 5-0 but that's beside the point. He's built Arizona very quickly into a team that consistently competes with Oregon - a team that would absolutely run Michigan off the field, no matter how bad their OL is struggling. How badly would Michigan lose to Arizona if they played each other?

    Brandon refused to support and then fired one of the best football coaches in the country. He hired an underqualified and backward-looking replacement who has proven incapable of leading this program into the future.
