
Saturday, November 8, 2014

MLive: Stock Report - Frank Clark, Jake Ryan push Michigan past Northwestern

Well, the defensive line and linebackers did well (LINK).

Hit the jump for a good looking woman named Jackeline Cardona.

Jackeline Cardona

Jackeline Cardona

Jackeline Cardona


  1. Awful game. Defense good only because NW so bad. There was NOTHING encouraging from this game. MSU vs OSU light years better football than this. Just awful.

    1. Agreed…even when this team manages to win, they look terrible. There is something fundamentally wrong with how they're coached when you look at them next to other teams. They have no intensity and mental toughness, which is reflective of their coach.

  2. the BEST and that
    s saying something on this site~~~~

  3. anonymous, move on back to your msu/osu site and leave the real fans alone. there is nothing productive in such a comment.

    1. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Not a MSU or OSU fan. Just stating the obvious. The MSU-OSU game showed football at a level way above Michigan.

    2. what the evil empires are doing is irrelevant, trash talking just for the sake of trolling, go over there and join the bandwagon. we are the true fans here.

  4. I guess when the D needed to make a play they finally did but boy how frustrating it was to watch them give up two long drives at the end of the game after playing so well for the most part of the game. Story of the season, good in stretches but awfully bad too.
