
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Coaching Candidate: Pat Narduzzi

Pat Narduzzi (image via
Pat Narduzzi
Current position: Michigan State defensive coordinator
Salary: $904,583 per year
Head coaching experience: None
History: Narduzzi played linebacker at Youngstown State and Rhode Island before starting a coaching career at Miami (OH). He then coached linebackers at Rhode Island, the defense at Rhode Island, linebackers at Northern Illinois, the defense at Miami (OH), the defense at Cincinnati, and then the defense at Michigan State from 2007 to the present under Mark Dantonio. He has been attached to Dantonio at the hip since 2004, and Narduzzi earned the Broyles Award in 2013 for being the top assistant coach in the country.
My thoughts: Narduzzi has said some inflammatory things about Michigan in the past, and moving to Michigan would be a bit of a slap in the face to his mentor, Dantonio. However, Narduzzi seems to be holding out for a top-flight job, and there aren't a ton of opportunities. Last year may have been his best shot, and he might miss his window if he waits too long. He represents aggressive defense, but his offensive preference would be questionable; a run-oriented, pro-style offense would probably be his aim based on MSU's offense over the last several years. I do not think he would fit in well with Michigan's atmosphere, and defense is not so much of a question as offense these days.
Likelihood of coming to Michigan: If offered the job, I believe Narduzzi would take it. But with no head coaching experience and a questionable amount of influence on the defense (Dantonio was a very good defensive coordinator at one point), Narduzzi would be a B- or C-list option.

My wish list:
1. Bob Stoops
2. Les Miles
3. Greg Schiano
4. Pat Narduzzi
5. Mike Shanahan


  1. Yeah. He's unproven in terms of fixing the offense, so I think we'd be taking too much chance with this pick. This coaching search is going to mean so much for the future. I think he's a better choice than Schiano though.

  2. Heard a rumor inside the athletic department Hoke is coming back. Hard to believe. Will find out soon, but all these CC posts may be premature.

    1. Well, that would mean a lot of people at M admin do not deserve their jobs.

    2. It would be the ultimate WTF moment for me. It would've made a lot more sense to keep Rich Rod for the 4th year in 2010.

    3. I think my "source" was trolling. ha. Logic prevails, lets hope the AD gets it right this time.


  3. This would be embarrassing for UofM. Not that Narduzzi is a bad candidate (for someone else), but this would just reinforce the 'little brother' script getting flipped in Michigan. There are more attractive DCs and OCs around the country. Furthermore, there are a lot of examples of failed HC who were previously successful as coordinators but ended up looking like they were riding the coattails of their bosses. Besides...who the hell wants a program run like MSU?

    1. @ Lank

      Not that I disagree with you at all, but there are plenty of people who claim to be fans that would be willing to overlook how that program is run and only look at the wins. Since 2007 when Dantonio took over, they are 64-29 with a chance to make it 4 10+ win seasons. He has had one season under .500 and has won 3 straight bowl games. I don't agree with how they ran their program in the past, but they do seem to be doing better with regards to trouble and problems lately. Dantonio has been doing very well as of late.

      Michigan has 3 (maybe 4) real candidates from the publics' perspective and anything other than that will be a whiff. I would consider Narduzzi a whiff even though he has been a good coordinator at MSU. We just don't know what he can do on his own.

    2. Not arguing with Dantonio's record. It's been good obviously, but it's hard to know how much cred goes to Narduzzi. I don't really care to be the one to find out.

      I also don't care who the "real" public candidates are. I don't want anything to do with Les Miles, for example.

      Hackett seems like a smart guy but there is some concern that they want to "build on what Hoke did". Which, I think has some merit obviously, but can be read into negatively as well. Regardless, he seems to "get it" wrt off the field stuff, so I would be surprised and disappointed if we got a Miles/Dantonio type, regardless of their success in other places.

  4. The only two decent teams to face the supposedly impenetrable No Fly zone Narduzzi D torched him. No way we want a Sparty in charge here.

  5. Who ever we hire has to keep our defensive cordnator but I think we need to hire a defense backs coach that's were the only issue is on that side of the ball but I still like nuss as offensive cordnator he can develop us a true QB as well as he runs the offense that fits Michigan jus think new coaches means player have to learn new plays which sets up for more down years sometime we have to give these coach longer windows I can say this under Hoke we have more talent than we had under Rodriguez

  6. What do you think of Michigan hiring Jim Tressel? Currently president of Youngstown, was considered a top 3 coach when he was let go by Ohio. Still has a show clause penalty which I think is a 5 game suspension, but he can still recruit while serving. Also, rumor has it that they may reduce it due to his academic work. Would be a lot cheaper than most of these other coaches, maybe besides Narduzzi. I can get over the Ohio thing, Saban coached LSU and now coaches Alabama, and that just as a big as a rivalry.
