
Sunday, December 28, 2014

MLive: Jim Harbaugh, 49ers part ways

The thing that's not up in the air is whether Jim Harbaugh will return to the 49ers next year; he will not (LINK).

On the other hand, I might be a bit of a pessimist, but I will not be posting a "Hello" post for Harbaugh until there's a press conference. Not only am I skeptical because Harbaugh is a bit flaky, but also because - most importantly - I had a bad dream last night that he flaked. He flew to Ann Arbor to sign the contract, the Raiders came through with a monster offer, and he booked it right in the middle of his "welcome home" party.

I'm not saying it won't happen, but I don't want to jinx it.

On the plus side, there are good looking women beyond the jump, including a nice bum.


  1. In case you missed it, BTN compiles some Harbaugh history video including the Ricky Leach TD where he runs out onto the field, the guarantee and his now famed speech.


    That is a nice bum.

  2. Keep the Faith man, JH is our Savior! Can't wait to see him on the sideline. I really don't care if he is a flak or how aloof he is with the press. Good for him I say. He wins and that's it.

  3. Pretty sure the top selfie with no face visible is Fernanda Ferrari.

  4. Well, Harbaugh's flying in to Ann Arbor today and I don't think there will be a last minute flake. I know you don't want to jinx it, but it is too late to even flake. Flaking out of this would damage Harbaugh's career and reputation so much. The contract's probably signed, and in 10am PST (1pm EST), Harbaugh and his family will depart SFO and fly in to Michigan. It is done.

  5. The boys over at MGoBlog are already soiling their lucky rocket ship underpants over this, but after the last 7 years of endless bs hype over coaches and recruits, I have no enthusiasm left. My reality is the win column and nowhere else from now on. I'm sure we'll have all the players (the ones who stay) gushing over how different things are under the new regimen..just as happened with Hoke/Mattison/Nuss. We all know how little that means. For now, I'll be happy if Harbaugh makes a complete purge of existing assistants, and stops the haemorrhaging in recruiting. Beyond that, nothing has changed until it changes on the field, in real games.

    1. I understand your skepticism and have tried to prevent myself from getting too optimistic but the list of his accomplishments show him to be the most sure thing possible in a coaching hire.

      He took a Stanford team that was 1-11 before he got there to 12-1 in 4 years and set up for long term success. This is a team that was worse than any B1G team and has the toughest academic standards for accepting players and they had 4 years of 10+ wins. He also beat teams like 00s USC while on the way up from 4-8 to 11-1.

      Prior to parting ways with SF, he had the best winning % of any active NFL coach and was 5th all time. His .698 is higher than Belichick's .659, McCarthy's .657, and his brother's .643. That's more than 1/2 a game a season above the next top 3 active coaches who are only separated by .266 games a season.

      The man can coach and win, if he can't be successful at Michigan we should all be very afraid because it means there is something deeply wrong with the program and no one can win here.

    2. A little cynical, but yeah. Have to agree. WAY too much hope in instant success over there.

  6. Don't get me wrong...I think Harbaugh is the best guy they could have gotten. He's a proven winner at a top 10, major conference level, and he's proven he can turn a program around that was a lot deeper in the hole than we are. But I worry too about there being something fundamentally wrong in this program that's not just Rodriguez being a "bad fit" and Hoke being soft. I'm going to wait to see it on the field. If Harbaugh can't turn this program around, yeah...we're in deep trouble.

    1. Hoke was an under .500 coach and would have never gotten the job if not for Dave Brandon and the former Carr players.Rich Rod got screwed over, but he had to completely change the offense and was a one trick pony that knew nothing about defense. Harbaugh has won everywhere and is the #5 all time winning % at the highest level. This is a slam dunk hire no question about it.

  7. safe to write your 'hello' post now, harbaugh has signed according to multiple sources on Mgoblog and Wolverine247 (didn't want to be too vague and just say 'sources' after all the BS with NFL insiders). i'm reading anything and everything michigan football for the next month, so bring it on!
