
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MLive: Jim Tressel speaks about Jim Harbaugh

The infamous Jim Tressel talks about Michigan's new coach (LINK).

Hit the jump for Alyssa Miller, another girl, some other girl, and then, finally, some girl in a gif.

Alyssa Miller


  1. I am not surprised at his comments suggesting Michigan is a ways away. But the reality is that Michigan could have went 3-0 these past three years against Ohio State. The fact that we didn't grab at least one of the three suggests that Hoke's coaching wasn't good enough and never was going to be. Winning close games is not about a gap in talent, its about a gap in coaching strategies.

    Hoke botched a monumental opportunity in 2012 to start 2-0 versus Ohio State, and 1-0 versus Meyer. There was no excuse to not win that game.

    Again in 2013, not switching the play call on the 2 point conversion. Then running an incredibly creative and successful 2 point conversion at the end of the bowl game that we barely showed up leaves you baffled at how something like that wasn't used in a game that mattered.

    2014 game was basically the story of Hoke's tenure. Have a lead. Before the half, the defense falls apart and lets the other team tie the game. Go to the half tied against a team you largely outplayed (basically a loss) Have a guy that is doing really good. (Drake Johnson) That guy gets hurt. The wheels fall off.

    1. I was all on the Hoke train at first, the first year, but he amazingly became worse in every way as his tenure went along.

  2. That last girl seems to be in a hospital room. Do we know which hospital? Guess it could be a 'movie set' and I have an idea what type of movie.

    1. Exactly what I was thinking, as if there are candy stripers anymore

  3. Who gives a damn what tressel thinks?
