
Monday, April 13, 2015

Site News: What do you want on the new site?

UPDATE: This is bumped from its original post date of March 14. Thanks to the funds many of you have sent my way (Paypal is on the left sidebar if you're interested in helping), I have gathered enough to start the website redesign. I have a meeting with the developer this coming week, and I will continue to look for additional feedback from you, the reader. What requests do you have for the new site?

Thank you!

Good morning, trusted TTB readers! I know I've been promising a new site for a while, and I actually have had a domain name and a new platform for an embarrassingly long time without doing anything about it. Unfortunately, while trolling around Wordpress, I realized that I have become pretty proficient at using Blogger . . . and not at all proficient at actually building a website from scratch. It's like your first girlfriend - you like her because you don't know any better.

But it's time to be a grown-up and ask other people for help, so I am hiring a professional web developer to create my new site. We had a meeting the other day and should be getting rolling soon, even though it will surely take a bit of time to code and launch the new site.

Here are a few of the features planned:
  • Drop-down menus to clear some of the clutter up top
  • Individual logins for commenters
  • A message board for readers to post threads/comments
Here's what I would like from you:
  • What other features would you like to see?
  • What features do you like about the current site that might translate well to the new site?
  • What advice do you have regarding the look of the site, the implementation of the message board, etc.?
I am all ears and would like to hear your thoughts so I can be very specific when it's time to sit down with the web developer and hash out the details. I can't promise that all suggestions will be heeded, but you're my focus group.

Thanks for reading (and commenting), and I'm looking forward to putting together a site that we all can enjoy!


  1. What I'd like to see is a Coaches Corner and a Player's Corner where we could interact with both in a conversation regarding the day to day developments of the player and the team.

    I would also like to have some sort of daily Football Practice Journal that goes into detail about what is going on within practices during the Spring, Summer workouts, and the Fall, ...even during the season if possible.


  2. I think it would be beneficial to have some type of regular feedback option. Not necessarily moderation, but a type of upvoting option for posts and comments to let you and others to get regular feedback and see how readers feel about each article.

  3. My only suggestion/request is that regardless of how big this may get or what outside influences arise you will always value the harmonious relationship between michigan football and beautiful women. You have a special ability to post content blending the best of both. I'm not exaggerating when I say having eye candy included with michigan content is what has always set you apart for me. Both of life's passion all in one.

  4. I would like to see some kind of forum page where people can hash out whatever topic is on their minds

  5. Honestly, I like the site as is, and would hate to see it get watered down.

    1. What do you mean by "watered down"? I'm generally looking to keep the site the same, but I have to move it away from Blogger (for several reasons) and if I'm doing so, I want to do a few things to improve the site that I might not be able to do on the current platform. So if you could explain what you mean, that would be appreciated. Thanks!

  6. I had mentioned this in a post a while back. I still think it would be great if you had your own app for this site.

    1. That will potentially be in the works when I get the new site designed.

  7. Something like a page or profile for players would be nice. Just a place to combine the scouting report, commitment post, a link to articles they are mentioned in if it's possible, and the goodbye post. Searching by tags or player name can be tough when they get mentioned in weekly recaps and previews.

    1. I have an idea for that, but it might take some time to implement. It's kind of a separate project but one that's been percolating.

  8. Forgot to mention in my previous post, but a roundtable type feature with some of the posters from mgoblog who are actually football coaches would be pretty cool to see.

  9. Why hire an expensive developer? You could get someone equally as good and a lot more cost-effective from websites like or Of course, I'm assuming you hired an expensive developer.

    1. I have made an inquiry on Freelancer. I'm not 100% sold on that avenue simply because I hope to build the site over the years and want to have a personal working relationship with the developer.

      If anyone out there is willing to design a site and has experience, I'm open to giving a reader/commenter some income. I'd rather keep things in the "Michigan family" but when I've posted about it in the past, nobody has stepped forward and said "Hey, I can do this for you!" I'm assuming nobody who reads/comments regularly is into web design and such, which is fine.

  10. I like the simplicity of the current site. Also, please keep sexy bits.

  11. If you add the upvote/downvote feature like MGOBLOG....i will never visit the site again.

    If you lose the babes....i will never visit again.

    I love this site just as it is.

  12. No up-vote/down-vote bullshit.

    Keep the babes.

    I like this site as it is.

  13. I feature I would love is a chat. I would love a real time chat with Michigan Fans. It would keep people on the site and keep them coming back to talk to each other about our teams.

    1. Are you thinking of a live chat?

      I do plan to include a message board, which hopefully allows people to discuss more freely than the comment/discussion system here.

    2. Yes I was thinking of a live chat. The message board is a great idea, but the chat would be even better (if its feasible)

  14. One of the things I enjoy about you on Mgoblog threads is your combativeness with other posters. I like watching you get into arguments. If you could incorporate that somehow, that would be cool

    1. Well, just keep an eye out for my discussions with Lanknows. Those get pretty heated at times.

  15. I would like to see you have Guest Editors from other schools' Blogs. It doesn't necessarily have to be a dialogue but just a chance to give their reflections on their team, their progress and what they feel about the up coming game or the Michigan football team.

    Unlike my fellow commenters, I am not necessarily turned on by being combative with other bloggers. I like to appreciate the differences in view points but to be combative for combativeness' sake isn't necessary. Thanks.

    1. That's a good idea. I hadn't really thought of having guests from other blogs. Thanks!

  16. I enjoy that you honestly assess our commits and don't do the "he's our guy, so he's great bs". You have consistently ranked commits lower and often get heat for it when you do. Then three years later when they still don't show their 4 star talent we go back and find out you were right on. One of the issues with the Hoke area was his recruits didn't live up to star value while Wisconsin and MSU get played that exceed their rankings
