
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Transfers are Coming (or Going)

Jabrill Peppers...isn't transferring.
Now that winter semester is finished, there should be some news coming soon about transfers to and from Michigan. I have heard rumors about one incoming player (not Jake Rudock, Wayne Lyons, or Blake O'Neill) and four outgoing players, although two of the players leaving the team are for medical reasons.

Medical scholarships are frustrating but an understandable part of the game. However, one of the rumored transfers is going to be a little bit of a surprising disappointment.


  1. Any hints as to what position group the player(s) are transferring from? I'm guessing a super high potential defensive back, a defensive lineman, and a running back.

    1. The transfers that I know of are one offensive player and one defensive player. That's about all I'm willing to say at this point.

    2. I assume the medical ones are fox and possibly Harris????

    3. I do not believe Harris is one at this time, although things can change.

  2. Offensive transfers that would be surprisingly disappointing: Norfleet. Kalis. Morris. Cole.

    Defensive transfers that would be surprisingly disappointing: Peppers. Mone. Jarrod Wilson.

    1. I don't see what's douchey about that comment...

    2. OP here. Obviously any transfers are disappointing and surprising, but I think if any of the aforementioned players transfered, I'd get a little wide-eyed reading it, and may say a few more expletives than I would if other players transfered.

      I forgot Countess on the list, I'm sure I forgot a few more as well.

    3. Norfleet, Kalais, Morris, Cole, Peppers, Mone, and Wilson will not be transferring.

    4. Bold statement from someone I'm assuming knows nothing from the inside of the program.

    5. Norfleet, Kalis, Morris, Cole, Peppers, Mone, and Wilson will get plenty of playtime and would be fools to transfer.

  3. How do you think they will release the information/when do you think we will know by?

    1. We will probably be hearing things through Twitter, recruiting sites, etc. in the next couple days. Usually, transfers and such are not news items broken by the program itself.

  4. Dymonte Thomas? Derek Green? Freddy Canteen? The OP would probably be called out for this post on Mgoblog because this is only going to lead to names being tossed around. I guess that's what Thunder wants, so I'll be your huckleberry.

    1. Unlike MGoBlog, I don't really care about speculation. It's not really something sports fans can stay away from.

    2. I agree and it's not really hurting anybody unless the comments start to personally attack someone. So is it Pipkins and Speight?

  5. I'll be sad to see any highly talented players leave, simply because I think Harbaugh will know how to properly motivate and deploy talent, unlike the last regime. Guys like Josh Furman are disappointing to see go, because they have immense talent and were clearly misused at Michigan. There are a lot of guys who have come through the program the past four years and still have stores of untapped potential (Dymonte, Frank Clark, Funchess, Furman, Pipkins, Green, Taco, Wormley, to name a few). Hell, Clark and Funchess's talent was just confirmed in the ultimate fashion by being selected in the second round of the NFL draft based almost solely on potential--those guys did comparatively little on the field at U-M under Hoke. But somebody in the NFL decided that those guys were superior athletes who should be able to start and thrive on an NFL team. Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed any of these guys for transferring under Hoke. But I hope they give the Harbaugh staff a chance to develop them properly.

  6. If I had to guess, I'm going to throw Wormley's name out there. Didn't have a high motor in high school. Now Harbaugh is the coach.

    1. I would be very shocked if it was Wormley. The new coaches and Mattison are really excited about Wormley.

  7. I really hope that Taco Charlton is not transferring. I think if he had the right coaching, he's capable of double digit sack seasons. When he's on his game, he reminds me of Jason Pierre-Paul, when JPP is on his game.

    1. The guy on Rivals said the defensive transfer is not a lineman.

  8. Pure guesses. Fox, a Junior RB, Thomas, Pipkins.

    Fox breaks my heart as I thought that he was a guy that was looking at a helluva college career followed by 10 years in the NFL.

  9. A few things gleaned from Rivals:

    - one of the outbound is a QB, and is "the least surprising" to potentially transfer according to one Fort poster
    - the other outbound is NOT someone from the d-line
    - the other outbound IS NOT Peppers(!!!!!!!)
    - Harris is not getting a medical...expected to have until July 1st to determine that

  10. For anyone trying to guess, this is what has been posted on Rivals.

    1) Offense transfer is a QB and not very surprising
    2) Defensive transfer, not a linemen, young and surprising. Not Peppers.

  11. Is McCray healthy?

    1. McCray had a shoulder issue in the spring.

  12. So, obviously Speight.

    As for the other non-medical: young, surprising, and not on the line … Watson?

    1. I would be surprised with Speight, as two days ago he tweeted out 'About to be a great summer in Ann Arbor with the boys'

    2. It could be. The guy on Rivals said not all transfers are for football reason and may be for personal reasons. Is a transfer is for non-football reason, then I can understand it being surprising.

    3. It seems like Speight, but is that who is being referred to as surprising? It wouldn't surprise very much for him to transfer, just because he looked poor and got zero playing time in the spring game.

  13. IMHO - Fox (numerous injuries) Speight, Pipkins, Dymonte Thomas.

    1. I'm not going to say that you're wrong, but why would Pipkins transfer? He is in his final year and has almost no chance of catching on elsewhere.

    2. Pipkins could certainly catch on somewhere else. Guys who are 6'3", 317 lbs. with some athleticism do not grow on trees. Michael Cox, Richard Ash, Mike Jones, etc. have all caught on elsewhere. I don't think Alabama, Ohio State, Oregon, and schools like that would be interested in a guy who hasn't done much, but there are lots of schools who would gladly take Pipkins.

    3. Pipkins' certainly has the potential to catch on elsewhere with his size, but for a linemen to transfer with one year of eligibility left is a massive gamble. Unless there's something I don't know about him, he would be much better suited to stay here and work his way into the rotation at DT.

    4. I said Pipkins because I was under the impression that there was an offensive and defensive player who would medical. If I am wrong about there being a defensive medical, Pipkins would not be transfer candidate since he should get significant playing time rotating on dl.

  14. Any hints on the incoming player?

  15. For medical Fox is a good guess but maybe Pipkins the second? Other outgoing candidates T Richardson or Kenny Allen? Speight is the obvious choice for the outgoing QB.

  16. I was wondering when Terry Richardson would transfer.

  17. Watson, Kinnel, and Winovich would be both surprising and substantial losses given the depth chart. I hope it is not them but looking at all the clues in this post, they make the most sense.

  18. Kinnel the guy who just signed and will be a freshman this upcoming season? Best player on the last class? Watson who had a great spring game? I don't think either make any sense.

  19. Hopefully "suprising" just means slightly unexpected and not suprising because the player was supposed to be a major contributor.

    The current WR group is similar to the QBs. They have guys who may be solid performers but they are unproven and mostly question marks. I think it would be smart to bring in a solid contributor, if they are able, to help sure up the position until the other guys can step up.

  20. It couldn't be Malzone? I mean the depth chart is pretty loaded in front of him with Morris, Rudock, and maybe Gentry this year and O'Korn and Peters next year. Speight is also competing and has some experience on him. That's a tough road to a starting job.

  21. Just saw Speight say he's not going anywhere. Does this change your thoughts Thunder?

    1. Speight is a name I have seen rumored, but he is not the offensive player I've heard is leaving.

  22. Speight just tweeted - Don't believe everything you hear! Rumors are simply rumors... #stayingput
