
Friday, March 17, 2023

What I've Been Reading


The Magicians: Alice's Story by Lev Grossman

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The Dresden Files: Welcome to the Jungle by Jim Butcher. I did at one time enjoy reading Butcher's Harry Dresden series, and while I still want to continue, I've just been caught up reading other things. I happened to stumble across a graphic novel version of a new story by Butcher - one that won't be covered by the longer novels - so I thought I would take a shot. Luckily, Butcher's humor is still infused throughout the comic, which I enjoy. Plus it's nice to see an artist's rendition of some of the characters and action from the novel series.

No Plan B by Lee Child and Andrew Child. This is book 27 in the series, and I've read all of them now. Series creator Lee Child has handed off the writing to his son Andrew, but the character continues. Personally, I feel like there has been a drop-off in the past couple books, but maybe it's just my perception. The character seems to be a little more bland, and in this particular book, the story is kind of confusing. Too many characters are poorly explained and underdeveloped for too long in the novel.

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover. Having gone through some professional troubles in recent months, it was recommended to me to take in this book by Dr. Robert Glover. Basically, if you're like me and you sometimes go with the flow too much, that can cause issues. I tend to be a very principled person and I don't let anyone compromise my morals, but there are times when I don't always put my goals front and center. This book talks about romantic relationships perhaps a little too much to fit exactly what I was looking for, but there are still some ideas in here to get more out of your professional/working relationships.

The Magicians: Alice's Story by Lev Grossman. You may remember me fawning over Grossman's The Magicians trilogy, even though the TV show was pretty terrible. Alice's Story is a graphic novel told from the perspective of Quentin Coldwater's primary romantic interest, who is also a magician at Brakebills. The characters in the graphic novel were much more how I perceived them from the books rather than the television show, so it was nice to see a more accurate take. However, the graphic novel doesn't really add much to the story that wasn't already explored, so it was more just a quicker chance to revisit the story - with pictures!

Cancer Free with Food by Liana Werner Gray. Unfortunately, my family has been ravaged by cancer in recent years. I guess that goes hand-in-hand with the times. Everyone's life has been touched by cancer. But a recent diagnosis of yet another family member caused me to dive deep into some research to try to help. I tend to believe that doctors do the best they can with drugs, but the food we put in our bodies can be a daily medicine - or an instigator for disease. Not only did I find some good foods in here to suggest for my family member, but there are also some really good tasting recipes in here that I have started to make in my own kitchen. For example, the meatball recipe in this book is awesome.

What have you been reading?


  1. I enjoyed The Magicians trilogy very much, the Netflix series was junk.

    Been reading Paul Zimmerman's last edition of The Thinking Man's Guide To Pro Football, and The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.

    Two guys with real busy minds.


    1. Interesting. I started "The Silmarillion" probably 10 years ago and never finished it. It didn't catch my interest early on. I generally finish what I start, but I kinda forgot about it.

      "The Thinking Man's Guide to Pro Football" is something I don't think I've ever picked up to look at. I might have to check that out. I always liked his stuff.

    2. The Silmarillion can grind. The genealogies are tough, at times.

      There are enough differences in editions , by virtue of the length of Zimmerman's career, that the two versions of his book are quite different. I read the first edition when it was on people's lists.

      There is another old book that you might find useful. The Silva Mind Control Method. I would have named it The Silva Self Control Method, but both are accurate, the chosen title is probably smoother and as such, more marketable.

      It offers a very Western method for quieting the mind, tamping down the noise in your head and entering a meditative state.

      I think, by now that most cultures have come around to the notion that meditation is useful for improving both one's mental and physical health. This book provides a simple and more importantly replicable method for obtaining a state of deep meditation. Honest to God. It skips the mysticism, and goes straight to nuts and bolts. The nuts and bolts work the first time.

      It comes with a story ... of course ... that they get out of the way in the prologue. It's an ok story, not a waste of time.

      They turned it into an industry ... of course. It can come with a raft of other books that you don't need. Get the first book and then get on with your life. I found it useful and have used the method forever.

    3. I added "The Silva Mind Control Method" to my wish list. Thanks for the suggestion!

    4. I think it'll help, It helped me.

      Also, Codex by Lev Grossman is ok. The ending made me think of North Dallas Forty by Sparty Whatshisname in that it was unsatisfying and made the book feel pointless, which might have been the point in the case of Codex, but it's an easy escapist read.

      I might go looking for North Dallas Forty, the movie again for the 39th time. Movie is much better than the book.

  2. F cancer! Every family has been hit but that doesn't lesson the pain. Condolences to you and your family.
