
Friday, March 12, 2010

2011 Offer Board Update

Kris Harley: "Nobody calls me yellow."

The 2011 Offer Board has been updated.

Added Kris Harley (NT).

Added Eddie Goldman (NT), Prince Holloway (SR), Corey Marshall (DT), and Ben Kline (ILB).

Added Bobby Hart (OG) and Travis Hughes (ILB).

Added Cyrus Hobbi (OT).


  1. Harley is a NT? I thought he weighed around 260. I thought he was destined for DT. He'd be a great fit in Michigan and he seems to like us. This year recruiting wise could be great (mostly 4 stars and up) or awful and the potential loss of near lock Hart and Thomas's really quick decision (even though it was inevitable) really scares me.

    What is Michigan's chances at Jernigan? Is he all but guaranteed to go to Florida? What about Christian Westerman? I'd love to have him on our o-line. We could open up a nice pipeline from Arizona with him and Andre Y.

  2. From my understanding Michigan will probably in Jernigan's top five for the entire process, however it's going to be very tough to persuade him away from Florida in the end.

  3. I wouldn't be concerned about the early commitments. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I don't mean to say anything negative about Hart or anything, but if Michigan wins this year, the good recruits will come.

    Anyway, Jernigan is to UF what Christian Jones was to FSU. He'll toy with other schools throughout the process, but he's a Gator.

    I'm more confident about Andre Yruretagoyena than Christian Westerman. Westerman is a long shot, in my opinion.
