
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Detroit News: Mel Kiper expects Michigan stars to be mid-, late-round selections

Mel Kiper thinks more of Mike Martin than does, but he thinks a lot less of Junior Hemingway. Soon after I posted's projections for Martin, Hemingway and Molk, the Detroit News caught draft expert Mel Kiper's thoughts on the trio, and his evaluations are quite different.

Martin: "I think he's one of those guys you get in to that third-round mix. He's going to be in a rotation a good guy to have on your defensive line."

Molk: "There's a lot of football intelligence there. A smart kid. To me, he's a guy with the pads on, you think of Jeff Saturday. . .I think in the fifth round area he's a heck of a choice."

Hemingway: "If Hemingway is drafted, he will be a late-round selection."

I don't know about you, but I can hear Kiper's voice as I'm reading those quotes. For more of his thoughts, click through.


  1. I'm surprised Mel Kiper is so low on Hemingway. I get that Mike Martin and Dave Molk are both undersized, but Hemingway had a pretty good combine and debunked some of the myths of his lack of speed and explosiveness. I can't imagine a team wouldn't want a receiver than can bail out a QB who makes a bad throw, like Hemingway did several time with Denard.

  2. Beef, this is totally OT, but did you happen to work in a cardiovascular research lab at UM?

    1. lol definitely not. I'm in law school. Why do you ask?

    2. There was a dude in my lab who went by "Beef", which I thought was pretty uncommon, but I guess not. : )

    3. Wow, I thought I was the only one! That guy must have been awesome, though haha
