
Saturday, April 28, 2012

WXYZ: Mike Martin's journey from Catholic Central to NFL

Ashton Torres
Local product Mike Martin got drafted by the Titans!


  1. I've been a long time MGOBLOG follower and have been visiting Touch the Banner as of recent. As a veteran digital marketer, I'd be quite curious to hear about your SEO strategy in regards to the pictures of women and anchor text/labels. In my world this is what we refer to as SEO spam. There are a number of other ways to generate more relevant referral traffic and in turn ad revenue...

    1. I have no strategy. I just figure most football fans (including me) like to take a look at attractive women along with their football information, just like ESPN uses attractive women to anchor their news programs or do interviews.

    2. Well that makes sense and kudos to you because Michigan football and attractive women are indeed a great combo. Appreciate the follow up.
