
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ask a Question: Troy Woolfolk

Texas native and former secondary starter Troy Woolfolk has volunteered his time for an interview. If you have any topics or questions that you would like addressed, post them in the comments section, and I'll try to get to them.


  1. How much does he hate being called "woolfork"

  2. His honest opinion in the differences between this staff and the previous and if we would have done better with this staff during 2008.

  3. What does he feel is the best and worst thing, in HS, about being the son of Butch?
    What does he feel is the best and worst thing, in being recruited for college, about being the son of Butch?
    Thanks, PRL

  4. Which younger player on the team impressed him the most? In other words, who should we look out for in the next 2-3 years?

  5. Did he ever seriously consider erecting a shrine to the Angry Michigan Secondary Hating God?

  6. Who was the hardest guy to tackle (on any team)?

    Who was the best player you played with at Michigan?

  7. Who was the best player you played against?
