
Friday, February 19, 2021

What I've Been Reading

 I haven't done one of these posts in a while, so here's a brief look at what I've been reading in the hopes that you'll share some of your latest interests, too.

Savage Son by Jack Carr

Savage Son by Jack Carr is the third book in a trilogy, which started with The Terminal List and then True Believer. I don't want to give away too much, but protagonist James Reece is a (former) Navy SEAL who takes matters into his own hands. You might have seen me post about Brad Thor's books, and Reece is very similar to Scot Harvath in those novels. Not surprisingly, Thor's long-running Harvath series inspired Carr to write his own books. Carr's books are a little darker and more technical, and they're pretty good thrillers.

Hit the jump for more.

Lust & Wonder by Augusten Burroughs

I've heard good things about Augusten Burroughs, and last Christmas, I asked for any Augusten Burroughs book. Somebody bought me Lust & Wonder. And . . . I was underwhelmed. I don't often put down books without finishing them, but I made an exception for this one. Not only did I not find it humorous, but I realized that I was just trying to finish it because I don't like to leave things unfinished. It turns into kind of a romance novel, and, well, I'm not a romance novel kind of guy.

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

I was roped into reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, and while it was better than Lust & Wonder, it still wasn't my cup of tea. Basically, the story is that an abandoned girl left to fend for herself grows up, matures, and takes control of her life. For me there was too much description of flowers and trees and shells to hold my interest. The book is probably 40 pages too long, but considering the author is a wildlife scientist making her first foray into fiction, I guess that explains her infatuation with nature.

I'm currently reading I Heard You Paint Houses by Charles Brandt, the story of Frank Sheeran that turned into the movie The Irishman on Netflix.

What are you reading? (Share over on


  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I am going to take you up on Jack Carr. Sounds promising. I just can't get into Brad Thor, too formulaic for me. I liked him 15 years ago, but outgrew him. I miss Vince Flynn so much. Great books. As I have recommended before John Connolly is excellent.

    1. Jack Carr's books are a little less formulaic and polished than Brad Thor's. I always thought Thor, who's a travel aficionado, spends too much time describing the geography of foreign cities. It's like he tries to show off that he's traveled a lot of places (or at least studies Google Maps).

      Jack Carr likes to flaunt his knowledge of guns, NODs, knives, etc.

      There's still time for Carr to fall into a rut like Thor since he's only three books in (the fourth comes out in March, I think), but he's not there yet.

  2. Off Topic: Will your regular site be getting comments back soon? Any updates? I find myself forgetting about blogspot. I'm hoping to get some resolution instead of feeling like another episode of "Lost" without answers.

    1. Yes, but I don't know when. I've been told a site redesign is going to cost thousands of dollars, and I've actually lost about 20% of my income in the past year due to a variety of factors caused by the pandemic (not just the site, but elsewhere too).

      So comments are another (less important, obviously) casualty of not getting COVID sorted out quicker.

  3. I’d recommend the scythe series by Neal schusterman, a little on the ya side but a really interesting look at a utopian society, death, and morality

  4. What I have been reading: Jean-Mary is leaving Michigan.

