Michael Shaw will be one of six Big Ten players participating in Monday's inaugural Casino del Sol College All-Star Game. Participants who may be of interest to Michigan fans:
5 Drew Ansorino - S - Penn State.
67 Quinn Barham - OT - Penn State
21 Stephfon Green - RB - Penn State
20 Michael Shaw - RB - Michigan
8 Dionte Allen - DB - Ohio State (FSU transfer)
68 Dennis Kelly - OT - Purdue
75 Greg Nosal - OG - Virginia Tech
94 Jerome Long - DT - San Diego State
70 Drew Nowak - DT - Western Michigan
The game will be played Monday at 6:00 p.m. at a former minor league baseball park, Kino Stadium, located in Tuscon, Arizona. Naturally, the Tuscon media asked Shaw to comment on Rich Rodriguez.
The Battle of Florida All-Star Game will be played in Boca Raton on Saturday January 21st at 8:00 p.m. Martavious Odoms will be one of three Big Ten players in the game:
26 Antonio Fenelus - CB - Wisconsin
9 Martavious Odoms - WR - Michigan
51 Gary Tinsley - LB - Minnesota
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