Saturday, September 27, 2014

Some pictures to cheer you up

This is happening way too often now, but here are some pictures of good looking women - and a Salma Hayek gif - to make you feel better about the fact that you are a Michigan fan.

Yulia Adasheva
Arianny Celeste

Helen Owen


  1. The only picture that will pick me up is the picture of Schissle behind a podium announcing that Dave Brandon has been fired.

  2. Unfortunately although I do appreciate the eye candy, these pictures don't make me feel better, a Michigan win would! I'd like to see a week where you don't post pictures of hot girls!

  3. That's a start. MOAR at 10.

  4. I have stopped following Michigan football and will only return to this site for the ladies!

  5. I don't know why you couldn't diagnose a concussion while Doctor Brian "House" Cook and his ankle biting interns could.
    No doctor myself, I have suffered more than a few grade 2 and 3 ankle sprains not to mention an ankle break...and yeah, even with the grade 2, putting weight on that foot nearly caused me to collapse in pain, so I was fairly confident that's what Morris was experiencing.
    BTW, did anybody else catch the way Minnesota's DT gave Morris' leg an extra twist and turn after he tackled him?
